Saturday, October 1, 2016
Are you a young professional or an alumni of a Christian Union ministry living and working in NYC? Then get your Bingo game-face on...We are talking prizes, pretzels, beer, and a rooftop view! Come celebrate Oktoberfest with other young professionals and find out how Christian Union can help you connect in New York City. Get your tickets and bring friends. Lederhosen is optional. Fun is not. See you there!
Dear friends,
I hope that your summers are going well! Cambridge is quieter with less students around during these months, yet our summer Bible Course for Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA) is continuing and there are only two weeks left of studying through the book of Isaiah.
Dear Prayer Partner,
It's hard to believe that it's almost August and time to welcome another group of freshmen at Yale! Our summer Bible study on Genesis has gone well and engaged the students on campus with tools for studying God's Word, while engaging them on topics such as human origins and the problem of evil. Please pray that students here at Yale, and those far away, would be emboldened to live more fully for Christ and serve Him faithfully at Yale in the coming year.
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union
Prayer: How to Do the Humanly Impossible
It’s hard to believe that the ministry at Harvard Law School has just completed its third year! Time has passed so quickly from when we first arrived on the campus in August 2013.
Students who served in our campus ministry from its beginning were among the many students who received degrees at graduation exercises this past May.