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By 2013, in just over 10 years of ministry at Princeton, by God's grace, Christian Union went from engaging three students in Bible courses to more than 400 students. The student Christian leadership organization resourced by Christian Union is the largest student group, religious or secular,  on campus. Encouraging signs point to how God is changing lives at influential schools like Princeton. (5:29)

Ravi Zacharias Speaks before Capacity Crowd at Princeton University

A life without God is an existence without answers to some of its most penetrating questions and comfort for its most arduous challenges.

Acclaimed author and broadcaster Ravi Zacharias shared those perspectives when the international minister appeared at Princeton University on April 4 at the invitation of eight campus organizations.

In a lecture entitled, Why I Am Not an Atheist, Zacharias said atheism leaves its followers with no moral absolutes and scant hope.

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Victor Hicks, a student involved with Christian Union's ministry at Yale, shares about what God is doing in his life. (3:44)

Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2013 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, download a .pdf version of the 2013 annual report.

Lessons from the 19th Century

In the 19th century, a member of British parliament, William Wilberforce, came to the life-altering conviction that God had placed him in a position of influence for a reason. 

After decades of toil, God used Wilberforce and an influential network of Christian believers working with him, dubbed the Clapham Circle, to not only end slavery in the British empire, but also to usher in an era that honored

Your spiritual vitality is a matter of national importance.

That may sound dramatic, but consider the reality – our culture is shaped by the daily decisions of industry leaders who either embrace secular values outright, or by believers who may not know how to integrate their faith and their profession, and so tacitly promote secular values.

Let's take stock: How well are you equipped to bring your Christian faith and values into your profession and spheres of influence?

This talk, by Nick Nowalk on the book of Revelation, was given at Doxa, Harvard’s leadership lecture series. (49:41)

Students Spend Summer with Ministry in Uganda

Princeton students Blaire Bloxom '14 (below) and Amy Gonzalez '15 served with a humanitarian organization in Uganda this summer.

A pair of underclassmen who participate in Princeton Faith and Action, a Christian leadership development ministry resourced by Christian Union, spent part of their summer serving with a ministry that targets villages in the eastern region of Uganda.