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Since students have not yet returned to Brown's campus from Winter Break, this prayer email will be short and sweet. Would you please join us in praying for the following:

The Semester Ahead

This prayer request seems obvious, but please pray for this upcoming semester. As usual, we have several Bible studies, large group gatherings we call The Anchor, conferences and several other events to offer for students' continued growth in the faith. It's a lot to balance while continually pushing the ministry forward and loving/serving our families. Pray that we would lean on Christ and that his Spirit would give us strength and endurance to finish strong to the end of the semester.

Bible Study Workshop

We will be offering a workshop on February 3 in which we'll explore how to study scripture using Genesis 1 as our case study. Pray that Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow here at Brown University, and I would prepare well for this workshop and that students would walk away from it with a better sense of how to approach the study of scripture and a deeper love for God's holy Word.

Nexus 2018

Every year we join hundreds of other students from across the Ivy League and Stanford for "a life-changing weekend of worship, prayer, speakers, small groups, fellowship, seminars and more." This year we will gather over February 23-25 in New Brunswick, NJ, and the theme will be, "Turn the World Upside Down." Please pray that this will be a transformative weekend for our students (so far, we have over 30 students registered to attend), that they would fall more in love with Jesus and bring that passion back to campus with them!

I promise to have more updates in my next email. Until then, may the peace of Christ rule in your hearts!

In Christ,

Justin Doyle
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Brown University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.

Dear Partners in Prayer,

The first day of spring term began on January 24th! Our students have been on winter break since December 14th  and we miss them terribly. (Because of winter break, this prayer letter is a bit shorter.) We value your prayers for a successful launch into the spring term.

On January 23, 2018 Christian Union New York gathered for our second salon of 2018 to hear from Jay Jakub, published author and Director of External Research at Mars Catalyst.


by Titus Willis
Originally posted October 8, 2017, in Columbia Crown & Cross. Posted here with permission of the author.

engagement pic copy
Six weeks ago, with a secret photographer looking on, I escorted my girlfriend Taylor to a patio overlooking a lake upstate. Taylor and I had met here at Columbia through mutual friends, sat beside each other in Art Hum, and went on a dozen dates in the city. Just before the outset of our senior year, right there on that patio, I proposed to her; she said yes, with the camera bulb flashing behind her.

Needless to say, Taylor and I have taken a few deviations from the common college dating route. When we get married next summer, we will both be 22 years old, a half-decade younger than the national average age of first marriage and perhaps a decade younger than the average Columbia student’s. We aren’t sexually active, which frequently surprises people. We read a devotional book and pray together to promote intimacy in our emotional and spiritual lives. Talk to someone who knows us well and they might mention that we’ve become abstinence-minded matchmakers for others—it’s easy to fix up potential couples since we only know a handful of Columbia undergrads who approach romantic relationships like we do. But as our model, which draws a great deal from the doctrines of Christianity, has worked for us, we believe it could work for everyone, regardless of religious conviction.

Christian Union New York’s kick-off forum for 2018 featured two amazing speakers on the theology of space - what space means for flourishing, for understanding our need for community, and for revitalizing neighborhoods and cities.


The following talk was given by Christian Union Ministry Fellow Chase Carlisle at Nexus 2018. (13:47)

Why Doctrine Matters

Mere Christianity was a book written by Clives Staples Lewis and published in 1952 (based on a number of radio recordings by Lewis on the BBC during World War II). It is one of the most influential books of the 20th century, written by one of Western culture’s intellectual giants. In the book, even though it gives a baseline apologetic (or, defense) of the Christian faith, it contains an impressive depth of what we call doctrine.

In the years since its first publication, the Church has undergone a continual seismic shift.

Legacy in Business; Prioritize Prayer; The Zealous Faith of Secularism; How Can I Possibly Believe that Faith is Better than Doubt?; Revivals and the American Church and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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You keep him in perfect peace
     whose mind is stayed on you,
     because he trusts in you.
— Isaiah: 26:3

Great things happen when you decide to pray!

Prayer is a forum that brings fulfillment to a life in Christ.  Without prayer Christianity is a title alone, but with prayer, Christianity is an ever-growing, intimate relationship with the God who promises to honor those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30), reveal Himself to those who search for Him (Jeremiah 29:13), and draw near to those who will draw near to Him (James 4:8).


Happy New Year from Palo Alto!

This December we and our students have been reading a new Advent devotional—Come Let Us Adore Him, by Paul Tripp—which we gave out at our Christmas party at the beginning of the month.

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