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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.
Dear partners in prayer for Cornell,

We celebrate the first full two months of the semester with many praises, thanks to your support in praying for us.

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

Students have returned to campus and are now deep into their spring semester studies.  Milder temperatures in January have given way to recurrent storms in February blanketing the Harvard community in the bright white of winter’s colors.

Greetings friends and partners!

It is with great joy and gratitude that I write to you with this report on the past month of ministry here on the campus of Princeton University.  By God’s grace, we have seen our healthiest and most vibrant month so far this year; I’ll share some highlights in the space below.

It’s not too late to join in the 40-day-fast now underway, from February 13 to March 24. The concept of fasting has been somewhat lost on our modern culture, especially here in America, where we experience so much bounty. However, it is a practice which warrants being re-introduced into our lives and the lives of those around us.

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
— Lamentations 3:25-26

Scientific and Ethical Considerations

Stanford University Medical School professor Dr. William Hurlbut was the featured speaker at Christian Union New York's Forum on February 7, 2017.

Listen or download audio of talk 

Stanford University Medical School professor Dr. William Hurlbut was the featured speaker at Christian Union New York's Forum on February 7, 2017. 

Greetings from New York!

Dr. William Hurlbut, professor at Stanford Medical School, spoke at a recent CU New York forum on “The Challenge and Opportunity of Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations”.  Prof. Hurlbut addressed the ethical issues associated with advancing biomedical technology, especially when applied to direct interventions in human life.  The evening stands as an example of thoughtful Christians exploring both a deeper understanding of a key scientific advance, and the range of implications it contains.  CU New York’s mission is to equip and encourage Christians in New York in engaging culture in redemptive and transformative ways.  You can watch the video of the talk here.


Spring semester is well underway here at Brown University, and we are keeping plenty busy with Bible Courses, our weekly lecture series, The Anchor, community and outreach events and much more.


We continue to see God’s grace in our ministry as we disciple students. One example of this is our winter conference which took place Jan. 20-22 at Spruce Lake. We were privileged to see students make strides in their walk with God. During one of our small group prayer times at the retreat, one young lady, who suffers from social anxiety and had never prayed before was taught by another student to pray. After she prayed for the first time, she was overwhelmed with joy and expressed interest to continue meeting with students to practice seeking God together.

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