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The Reunions 2018 Annual Brunch hosted by Princeton Faith and Action (PFA), the Christian student organization resourced by Christian Union, will be listed under the student organization name in the University's Reunions schedule.



Christian Union at Columbia continues to see God’s goodness to our ministry. As you may already know, Christian Union was working tirelessly to acquire a ministry center for Columbia. As of February 13, that purchase was completed, and we will be using the center next semester. We could not be more thankful to each of you for your prayers and sacrificial giving. Our desire is to use this space as a hub for gospel engagement with Columbia University. Please pray that many students would be encouraged in their faith and come to know Jesus through the work that will be done there.

To Our Praying Friends,

We have much to give thanks to God for this month.

Just last week we hosted apologist Alycia Woods from Ravi Zacharias International Ministry. Alycia is a winsome speaker who has addressed mixed believing and unbelieving audiences at MIT, Harvard, Brown, Boston University and, now, Cornell. She addressed the question, "Is Christianity Intolerant?" to a room of about 75 students, and made a clear statement of the Christian principle of expressing the truths of Christianity with love and respect even to those we have deep and fundamental disagreements with. She gave clear expression of the beauty of the Gospel. Her 40-minute talk was closed with 15-minutes of Q&A. Friendly, but serious, questions were raised by the audience, like: "How do Christians explain their checkered and, at times, intolerant past?" "What are some practical, effective ways we can 'break the ice' to speak with our atheist and agnostic friends about the truths of Christianity?" About a dozen people stayed after the event to dialogue further with Alycia. Please pray that the unbelievers who came would continue to grapple with the truths of the gospel in community with us. Cornell is a fiercely secular place which means your prayers are especially needful to break through these hard spots and skeptical hearts.


We are grateful for your support and want to give you an update through February of this spring semester to inform your continued prayers.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

I am writing you as we begin a new semester at Princeton to thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and financial support for our ministry. We depend on your prayerful support for the ministry we do here, so thank you. We want you to know that God is at work in the lives of our students!

Thank you for your continued prayers for us at Yale.  The prayers of a righteous person work powerfully (James 5:16), and we are grateful to be carried by your prayers on a regular basis!

Nothing is yet in its true form.
            C. S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces

This short, but loaded statement from Lewis’ reimagining of the Cupid and Psyche myth contains a good measure of hope, but also a fair amount of challenge. We are creatures in process, striving toward Christlikeness, often stumbling along the way. As our students endure the midpoint of the winter quarter (and the school year!), they have a keen sense that their lives are yet not in a true and final form. God has begun a good work in many lives on this campus, and He will carry it to completion through His Son. 

Hello from Dartmouth,

It’s hard to believe we’re already in week 4 of the winter term! It’s been a full one so far. Thank you for your prayers for our Winter Conference. It truly was a blessed weekend of fellowship, growth, and fun!


As we begin the spring semester, I want to encourage you to continue praying for the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS) and our student group, Coram Deo Law. This semester will bring its own share of possibilities and challenges. And we know that success in both requires the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and our faithful submission to him. So please join us in praying that the Lord's work continues to bear fruit in the lives of our students and on the HLS campus.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As I sit down to write this letter, Princeton students are busy preparing for their final exams and making the final push on their final papers. Since our last letter, students have mostly been away on their winter break, so most of this update will be forecasting the exciting spring semester ahead. We are grateful for your faithful support in the form of prayers, encouragement and financial gifts that make all of this possible.

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