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February 22, 2018

We are grateful for your support and want to give you an update through February of this spring semester to inform your continued prayers.

February 22, 2018
Nothing is yet in its true form.
            C. S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces

This short, but loaded statement from Lewis’ reimagining of the Cupid and Psyche myth contains a good measure of hope, but also a fair amount of challenge. We are creatures in process, striving toward Christlikeness, often stumbling along the way. As our students endure the midpoint of the winter quarter (and the school year!), they have a keen sense that their lives are yet not in a true and final form. God has begun a good work in many lives on this campus, and He will carry it to completion through His Son. 

February 22, 2018
While waiting for judges to deliberate on SpokenWord, 300+ students and others enjoyed a breathtaking musical contribution to an electrifying night of student-led, biblically shaped performances.

The following was recorded at Nexus 2018. (4:25)

February 21, 2018
Today Christian Union Founder & CEO Matt Bennett released the following statement on Billy Graham’s passing into eternity: "Billy Graham was a spiritual giant whose leadership adorned the doctrines of Christ and brought salvation to thousands and perhaps millions. May God raise up countless others to expand his work as Dr. Graham enters into his reward with the Savior."
February 20, 2018
Christian Union New York was delighted to welcome Ken Fish for a second salon on February 20th titled, "Supernatural Christianity: What Is It? How Do I Live It?"


February 15, 2018
Thank you for joining us on February 15th when CU New York was honored to host a salon with Ken Fish that explored why the Kingdom of God remains as relevant of a message in our day as it was in the time of Jesus.


February 14, 2018

Lenten Musings

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” - 1 John 1:8,9

“You can hide nothing from God. The mask you wear before men will do you no good before him. He wants to see you as you are, he wants to be gracious to you. You do not have to go on lying to yourself and your brothers, as if you were without sin; you can dare to be a sinner. Thank God for that; he loves the sinner but he hates sin.”[1] - Bonhoeffer 

The masks we wear, that I wear, are heavy and deceiving. Do you know these masks that I speak of?

February 12, 2018
A warm welcome to all students at Princeton. (1:39)

February 12, 2018

Christian Union Universities | Christian Union Cities | Day & Night

"Christian Union wants to see a spiritually vibrant United States of America," says Matt Bennett, the founder and CEO of Christian Union. Since 2002, the ministry has been working toward that end.

The ministry has always been, says Bennett, "about the whole nation — seeing the whole nation transformed, and then from there, America blessing the whole world." 

Christian Union: develops bold Christian leaders at the most strategic and disproportionately influential universities in America; builds networks of Christian leaders in cities; and promotes national revival through the Christian Union Day & Night online ministry. (4:58)
February 8, 2018
Former Christian Union Ministry Fellow Jon Yeager, speaking at the ministry's leadership lecture series at Harvard, gives a talk called "Stranger Stories at Harvard." He tackles the question, 'What does the Netflix original Stranger Things — a show that has captured the imagination of many students — have to do with the story of God?' His conclusion? Mystery and glory.

*Note: This is one talk, posted in two parts. The total length of the two is 41:00.

Part 1

Part 2

Get Involved
To learn more or to get involved with Christian Union Gloria at Harvard, click here.
February 7, 2018
Stranger Stories; Tolstoy’s Familiar Crisis of Faith; A Healthy Dose of Religious Freedom: New HHS Division to Protect Medical Professionals; Vive la révolution(?): on the ‘progress’ of the sexual revolution; How to Seek the Holy Spirit and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
— Micah 6:8

February 5, 2018
On February 5th, 2018, Os Guiness lead our New York City Salon through exploring the topic: "The Reformation at 500: The Forgotten Secret of American Freedom." (1:10:41) 

For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email cunewyork@christianunion.org.
February 5, 2018
Thank you for joining us for the forum featuring Os Guinness, where he explored the topic "The Reformation at 500: The Forgotten Secret of American Freedom." (1:10:41)

For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email CUNewYork@christianunion.org.

February 4, 2018
Few things are more paralyzing to believers than that particularly dread gloom which inevitably dawns whenever a vague, gnawing sense of the unreality and irrelevance of the claims of Christian faith begins to crystallize in experience.

tolstoy familiar crisis copy
Leo Tolstoy, after publishing
War and Peace and Anna Karenina and receiving world-wide fame and accolade, experienced a jolting mid-life crisis of faith in his early 50s in which he questioned the significance of everything he had accomplished and lived for up until that point. 

Frantically seeking out what the meaning of life might be, he recorded the initial findings of his desperate quest in his short work Confession. One passage in particular struck me

January 25, 2018

Hello from Dartmouth,

It’s hard to believe we’re already in week 4 of the winter term! It’s been a full one so far. Thank you for your prayers for our Winter Conference. It truly was a blessed weekend of fellowship, growth, and fun!

January 25, 2018

As we begin the spring semester, I want to encourage you to continue praying for the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS) and our student group, Coram Deo Law. This semester will bring its own share of possibilities and challenges. And we know that success in both requires the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and our faithful submission to him. So please join us in praying that the Lord's work continues to bear fruit in the lives of our students and on the HLS campus.

January 25, 2018
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As I sit down to write this letter, Princeton students are busy preparing for their final exams and making the final push on their final papers. Since our last letter, students have mostly been away on their winter break, so most of this update will be forecasting the exciting spring semester ahead. We are grateful for your faithful support in the form of prayers, encouragement and financial gifts that make all of this possible.

January 25, 2018
Happy 2018 & thank you for your continued prayers for us! We are grateful for your steadfast support in prayer, and I want to thank you for praying for our staff team and our students over Christmas break.

January 25, 2018
The Hinge Podcast; Why Doctrine Matters; A Brave New World of Transgender Policy; Waking Up to an Incoming Ballistic Missle Alert; Challenges Facing the Church in 2018 and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
— Colossians 1:15-18

January 25, 2018
Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Winter Break and our Bible Courses have had an excellent start. We currently have 13 Bible Courses meeting, with the possibility of adding an additional women’s course. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.