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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 12, 2022

A Senior Reflects on Formative Years of Christian Community 

Being a member of Christian Union Lux has thoroughly shaped my time at Yale. The community of CU was so vital in keeping my life centered on Christ, even in as busy and distracting of an environment as college. I can honestly say that despite growing up in a Christian household, I experienced the most dramatic growth in my relationship to God in the last four years—growth which I attribute to the loving ministry fellows, my dedicated peers in CU, and the thought-provoking curriculum. 

April 11, 2022

Campaign Features Answers to Tough Questions

This spring, Christian Union is mobilizing students on its ten campuses to share the gospel more boldly, strategically, and frequently than ever.

April 7, 2022

Trinity Forum Conversations Feature James K.A. Smith

Augustine is one of the giants of Christian philosophy and theology, often compared to Paul for his contribution to the faith. But in spite of his enduring impression on how we understand Scripture and ourselves, Augustine offers us an honest and unashamed look at his own life—one that is marked by the struggle of sin and a dependence upon grace. 

April 5, 2022

"A Disturbing New Normal"

The Church of England is leading its people into an era of confusion, argues Mary Wren, a writer for Premier Christianity magazine. Citing the lack of clarity regarding same-sex marriage, Wren says that the Church of England is less than willing to teach its congregations what Scripture says about the topic—and this is causing division and confusion. 

March 31, 2022

Christian Union's Multi-Site Events Continue to Grow 

The total immersion in each portion of scripture reading, prayer, and fellowship made the experience incredible. It was amazing. The way I was able to meet with God and connect to others has broken some chains off of my heart!! The experience was invaluable. - CU Fire attendee, NYC

March 30, 2022

CU Caritas Refreshed from Leadership Retreat

Firefall is a natural phenomenon that occurs in a brief window of time each winter at Yosemite National Park in Northern California. From mid to late February, the water cascading down Horseshoe Falls takes on the appearance of orange fire for about ten minutes during sunset.

March 25, 2022

Holsey ’22, a Student of the Word, Starts New Chapter of Life

Christian Union ministry fellows pour time, love, and energy into the students in their ministries with the hope that when they graduate and move into the next stage of life they will be equipped, spiritually mature, and grounded in Christ. Savannah Holsey, Cornell ’22, is a representation of just that.

March 22, 2022

A Compelling Vision, Practical Goals, Competant Teams, and More

The following are eight of the most important leadership principles I have learned as a senior leader over the past three decades. I have found that these principles are vital to the success of any organization, whether it is faith-based or not.

March 21, 2022

Converting the Church: Everything for Show

When Facebook introduced the “like” button in 2009, everything changed, according to Pastor Jon Tyson. What had been a platform to connect with friends and family became a place where individuals began to post so that they could receive approval—likes.

March 21, 2022

College Professor Shares His Journey of Enlightenment

Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone? Probably not. For the past fifteen years, smartphones have dominated the technological world, giving us everything we could possibly need in one handheld device. It’s also given us an addiction. 

March 17, 2022

Mwabe ’19 Exhorts Graduates to Go beyond Comfort Zone 

Eunice Mwabe ’19 was one of two student orators for Harvard’s Class Day. During her address on May 29, she encouraged recent grads to interact actively with people of diverse backgrounds.   Mwabe, who served as co-president of Christian Union in 2018-19, penned her speech as a reflection of her experiences as a foreign student at Harvard. Rather than operating in an echo chamber, the Kenyan urged classmates to spend time with people from a variety of backgrounds and seek out new experiences. Mwabe especially implored members of the Class of 2019 to show empathy to the disadvantaged and marginalized. 
Editor's note: This article originally appeared in the Summer 2019 edition of  Christian Union: The Magazine and is reprinted as a "Throwback Thursday" feature in conjuction with the year-long celebration of Christian Union's 20th Anniversary in 2022.   As part of commencement exercises, Harvard College selected a co-president of Christian Union’s ministry for one of its top honors. 

March 15, 2022

CU Nova Offers Two Weekly Leadership Lecture Series

In the fall semester, Christian Union Nova’s TruThursday leadership lecture series focused on various aspects of love. TruThursday, which meets on Thursdays evenings, “exists to exemplify the gospel while celebrating African, African-American and Caribbean culture.” The fall topics—Loving the World, Loving Your Friends, Loving Yourself, and Loving Your Family—featured virtual and live speakers.

March 10, 2022

Christian Union Unveils Historic Evangelistic Outreach

  You have one business on earth - to save souls. - John Wesley

March 7, 2022

Dr. Craig Keener Makes His Case

Science and faith are always in opposition, right? It’s a basic assumption that most modern people take for granted, but is it true? Dr. Craig Keener, in this article for Christianity Today, dives into one of the most misunderstood assumptions of our time—that science and faith are contradictory.

March 7, 2022

Seeking God Is Not a Priority for Most Christians

Annie Dillard famously said, “How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.” For most, our days are filled with common things like work and relationships; the elements of life that are necessary. But we also fill our days with shows and movies, social media, and endless hours staring at a screen. 

March 3, 2022

Students Challenged to Be Salt and Light at 2019 Nexus Conference

ave the courage to say yes—even when you are unsure of where it may lead. That was one word of advice given to students by television and film producer D.T. Slouffman during the media and communications vocational panel at Christian Union’s Nexus Conference in February. The theme of the conference was “Courageous in the Ways of the Lord.” Slouffman, who has won six Sports Emmy Awards, recently created six digital sub-brands for Sports Illustrated and was executive producer for the magazine’s digital series SI NOW. Other credits include work on CNN, Lifetime, and Discovery Channel. At Nexus, he recalled how his career accelerated after accepting a last-minute assignment to cover figure skating in Switzerland. Taking advantage of that opportunity led to work with the Winter Olympics and other jobs until he was requested as stage manager by legendary sports commentator Brent Musberger. “Say yes until God says no,” he advised the students. “Don’t be afraid to say yes and believe that God is sovereign. You won’t be sorry that you did. One thing leads to another, which leads to another. When you say yes, it is courageous.” Another member of the media and communications panel, Christina Crook told the students to “have the courage to be curious.” Crook is an award-winning author of The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World. She talked about her Letters from a Luddite project, which chronicled her thirty-one-day internet fast and fueled her passion for exploring the intersection of technology, relationships, and joy. One of the highlights from the Arts vocational panel came from Sally Lloyd-Jones, a New York Times bestselling writer and author of several popular children’s books, including How to Be a Baby, The Jesus Storybook Bible, and Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing. Jones told the students at Nexus that her writing doesn’t target Christians, but instead focuses on beauty and excellence. “I don’t write Christian books or non-Christian books,” she said. “Christ made beauty. Beauty speaks to us. If everything we do is done with excellence, beauty will reach everyone. My calling is to bring joy to children.” In the law and government vocational panel, attorney Andrew Graham spoke about being salt and light in the legal profession. Graham, the executive director for Policy and Education at First Liberty Institute, focused his remarks on conflicts in the life of a litigator. “You want your faith to impact your law practice—you don’t want the legal profession to shape you,” he told attendees. Lisa Schultz, Chief of Staff for United States Senate Chaplain Barry Black, talked about having courage on Capitol Hill, where status is an idol and politicians are separated by deep ideological divides. “I try to be courageous and not look at people through a political lens and party affiliation,” she said. “We focus on the image of God in people.” Schultz encouraged the students to pursue careers in government and to trust in God. “We need believers who love the Lord and walk with the Lord in Washington, DC,” she said. “Be confident in Christ, not in status or power. It’s ok to be weak and depend on God.” Panelist J. Daryl Charles, PhD, also encouraged students not to be afraid to work in government, despite the distrust many millennials may have for those institutions. Charles, an author, editor, and Acton Institute affiliated scholar in Theology and Ethics, challenged attendees to have a public faith, not a private faith. “God resists evil and preserves morality through sound ordinances,” he said. “Law and government play a significant role and are crucial to a civil society.” “We must not forsake these institutions…we are cultural stewards. We need to love people and let the chips fall where they may. Despite living in a pagan cultural climate, we must stand for moral truth and a virtuous culture…” “We need to have a robust, public faith and stand up in the marketplace.” In the business ventures breakout session, students were similarly challenged. “Do you have the courage to make a difference in the marketplace?” said Peter Cline, the founder and chief executive officer of Auxano Advisors. “Your work in the marketplace is your ministry. It’s your pulpit. It’s your calling.” Cline talked about his company’s biblical approach to stewardship and wealth management. “We believe money is simply a tool to do the will of God. Nothing more…We do not create wealth on our own. God creates wealth through us,” said Cline, quoting Deuteronomy 8:18. “God provides you with capital to fulfill your calling.” Attorney Paul Michalski, founder of Integrous LLC, admitted he had absolutely no idea about calling or the connection of faith and work when he achieved his lifelong dream job as a partner in a Wall Street law firm. An alumnus of Harvard College (’83) and Harvard Law School (’86), Michalski and his wife appeared to have it all with two children and a house in the suburbs. But once he reached the pinnacle of success, work no longer provided satisfaction. Michalski recalled thinking, “Is this it?” “It felt disturbingly empty,” he said. At home, his marriage was “in a slow death spiral.” The crisis, however, led him to cry out to the Lord. And he also started to attend meetings of the original chapter of the New Canaan Society, “a group of men who gather together to encourage each other in friendship and faith and to support each other to be better husbands, fathers, — and better men — in the marketplace and in our communities.” “Men came around me and taught me about Jesus,” he said. “The Lord miraculously restored my marriage.” In 2009, he left his firm to provide national leadership to the New Canaan Society and became involved in the faith and work movement. Today, as general counsel of Integrous, his personal mission statement is: “to serve by redeeming work through the impartation of wisdom to leaders, spotlighting God’s truth and connecting its meaning to organizational cultures and practices.”  “Our life is our faith,” he told the students at Nexus. “We need to bring our work into our faith, not bring our faith into our work.”
Editor's note: This article, which features coverage of Christian Union's Nexus Conference, originally appeared in the Spring 2019 edition of  Christian Union: The Magazine and is reprinted in conjuction with the publication's "Throwback Thursday" series.  

March 2, 2022

Nick Nowalk Focuses on Bible Narrative, Romance, and Marriage

Have you ever noticed that the Bible begins and ends with a wedding? The creation story of Genesis 1-2 culminates in the marriage covenant between Adam and Eve when God declares that it is not good for man to be alone and how a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife as one flesh. The story of God begins with a wedding, but it also ends in the same fashion as Jesus, the bridegroom, is finally united to his Bride, the Church, in Revelation 21-22. 

February 28, 2022

Christian Union Ministry Director Inspires Football Players 

Noah Crane presented a game plan for life at the Big Green’s pre-season football camp and during fall semester Bible courses.

February 25, 2022

"If you love me, keep my commandments"

Editor’s note: The following devotional was written in conjunction with Christian Union Day and Night’s recent two-week fast: “National Obedience Brings National Revival.”

February 21, 2022

Esau McCaulley Opines About a True, Biblical Union

In the past fifty years, marriage has become less popular, divorce rates have gone up, and the rise of no-fault divorce laws have introduced an era of the contractual—not covenantal—marriage. What happened to marriage? Is it that our modern sensibilities have finally realized that being joined to one other person for all of life is an unreasonable and impractical idea? Or perhaps, as Esau McCaulley posits in the New York Times, our views of work and personal ambitions have become more important than stable, sacrificial relationships.