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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 24, 2021

Penn Professor, Yale Lecturer Make Shocking Statements 

This spring, two academic seminars with ties to Ivy League universities came under fire for incendiary comments regarding race. A University of Pennsylvania professor said white evangelicals are racists who “may end up killing us all,” while a guest lecturer at the Yale School of Medicine expressed frustration with the national dialogue by saying she had fantasies about shooting white people.

August 23, 2021

CU Lumine Prepares for Fall Semester

Despite the challenges posed by conducting Bible courses and other events online or with strict social distancing guidelines this past academic year, CU Lumine, Christian Union’s ministry at Columbia, was full of prayer pods, evangelism workshops, and Bible courses - all of which took place online. While the ministry center was open for occasional one-on-one meetings and small groups of under nine participants, Zoom meetings were the primary way students connected with each other.

August 23, 2021

Catholic Author Weighs In on Students' Pursuit of Happiness 

Cognitive scientist Laurie Santos has a thought question for you: if you could live in a simulated reality where you are perfectly happy, would you knowingly choose it over a less-happy real life? Santos, who is a psychology professor at Yale, has been studying the nature of happiness—how we get it, what makes us happy, and how psychology directly impacts our happiness—for years.

August 18, 2021

Looking to the Early Church for Inspiration 

The concept of “seeking” God is often attributed to individuals who are interested in the Christian faith but not yet believers. But biblically speaking, seeking God is what Christians do—Christians pursue intimacy with the Lord, knowledge of Him, His guidance and presence, His blessing.

August 17, 2021

“Whose Voice Are We Hearing?”

At first glance, the career path of Amilee Watkins may seem somewhat random. A trained classical musician, her resume includes employment as a manager of a Starbucks in New York City, assistant director for the Center for Faith and Work at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and COO of a startup that centers on spiritual formation.

August 17, 2021

Scholars Make a Compelling Case for Dismissal

The legal right to abortion may soon come to an end. In July, Mississippi submitted a brief to the Supreme Court arguing that the Constitution makes no room for legal abortion and stating that all life must be protected. In light of this, the state is asking for two rulings—Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey—to be overturned, effectively removing the current rulings that allow for the right to abortion. 

August 13, 2021

CU Vox Shares Good News at Dartmouth with Blog

At the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year at Dartmouth, the usual excitement surrounding a new semester was dampened by COVID-19 restrictions; only freshmen and juniors were on campus for the fall, and ministry and other organizational activities were limited to zoom or small in-person meetings. In the midst of this uncertainty, Paul Jeon ’21, a leader with CU Vox at Dartmouth, stepped up to create blog content that focused on the sure promises of God in scripture and the question, “Who Does God Say I Am?”

August 12, 2021

Dr. Matthew Suh Speaks at NYCU Salon

Dr. Matthew Suh, a Harvard-educated surgeon, retired from the operating room to become a practitioner of ministry that is focused on proclaiming the good news of the gospel and supernatural healing.

August 11, 2021

Where Does Our Help Come From?

Editor’s note: This article was reprinted with permission from Cornell Claritas, “an ecumenical, interdenominational Christian publication that was founded on the hope of starting thoughtful Christian conversations within the academic community at Cornell University.”There are few things that elicit such pure joy within me as the first bite of boneless wings with Boom Boom sauce do, under the fluorescent lights of a crowded Sheetz dining room. For those unfortunate enough to have never encountered this fine dining establishment, Sheetz is the East Coast’s premier location for gourmet gas station food. What’s so special about a gas station, you might ask?

August 5, 2021

CU Ministry Center Named for Brown’s 1807 Valedictorian

The Adoniram Judson Ministry Center is a strategic meeting place at Brown University. Christian Union Libertas uses the facility for a wide range of events and functions, including fellowship, Bible courses, one-on-one mentoring, prayer, training, meals, and administrative work.

August 4, 2021

CU Day and Night Hosts Nationwide Event

“I really do not remember how I came to find Christian Union, ‘It just happened.’”  Even though Kimberly Brown cannot recall how she discovered Christian Union, she is very clear about the life-changing impact CU Day and Night has had on her. 

August 3, 2021

"It's Not the Way of Christ"

Hurry is a mainstay in most people’s lives. We hurry to the grocery store and to pick up the kids from school. We hurry out the door for work and hurry to get ready for another Zoom call. American’s are hurriers—it’s part of our model for productivity and efficiency. We fall into the belief that if we hurry, we can do more, be more, and certainly get more. But is hurrying truly serving us? Is all our hustle producing gains or is it actually slowly diminishing our humanness?

August 2, 2021

Rachel Gilson Talks About Sexuality and Gender Identity

In a culture that continues to become increasingly focused on sexuality and gender identity, Christians of all ages must be willing to engage with our culture in thoughtful, godly, and theologically sound ways.

July 28, 2021

CU Nova Hosts Alumni Panel

The mission of Christian Union is to connect and develop Christian leaders to create a spiritually vibrant nation marked by Christian values permeating every corner of society. One of the main methods through which Christian Union strives to accomplish this goal is by ministering to Christian students at some of the nation's most influential universities to boldly live out their faith in whichever career path they pursue post-graduation.

July 27, 2021

He Is Doing His Work One Student at a Time

Henri Nouwen, who authored such books as The Wounded Healer, The Way of the Heart, and The Return of the Prodigal Son, resigned from Harvard’s Divinity School in 1985 citing that God was dead at Harvard—that it was a spiritual desert.

July 26, 2021

“CU Martus Made a Profound Impact”

Someone recently asked me the best way to find community when arriving on campus for the first time. I thought about this question a lot before I first came to Penn as well. Would I be able to find a Christian community at an Ivy League university? Would I be able to grow in my faith, or would secular thought extinguish it?

July 22, 2021

Matt Bennett Featured on Podcast

The Biblical Courage podcast invited Christian Union Founder and CEO Matt Bennett to share the story of how Christian Union was formed almost 20 years ago. Bennett, who mentions that he had become a Christian in the first grade, grew up in the faith, and after college opted to forgo the family business in the hotel industry to pursue ministry. 

July 20, 2021

Court Rules in Favor of Campus Ministry

When the University of Iowa deregistered a number of campus ministries, citing discrimination for requiring their members to be Christian, the ministries fought back. This past week, a federal appeals court upheld a previous ruling in 2019 stating that the university cannot selectively deregister student organizations. The lawsuit, originally filed by InterVarsity, is an important victory for religious freedom in the university setting.

July 15, 2021

CU Lux Hosts Event with Popular Show’s Director

Over the past year, the internet has become an increasingly popular companion as COVID-19 restrictions kept people from socializing. According to one article by BBC, since lockdowns started in March of 2020, adults have spent nearly six and a half hours a day watching TV and online videos. This averages to watching about 45 hours of online content a week. Streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime have made this number all the more feasible as they came out with new shows and movies to keep the public entertained.

July 15, 2021

His Story Becomes Our Story

Christians who are serious and well-intentioned about their faith often experience angst-filled perplexity when they ponder the significance of the Gospel for what many of us inevitably spend most of our waking adult lives doing: working.