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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 20, 2021

Vergerio ’22 Will Serve Internship with Samaritan’s Purse

In her sophomore year at Brown, Gabrielle Vergerio ’22 stepped out in faith and attended a Christian Union Libertas event, despite not knowing anyone in the ministry. “On a whim, I decided to venture out to one of the meetings,” she said. “I was immediately met with such warm and sincere welcomes. CU Libertas at Brown was really my first home on campus.”

April 15, 2021

HLS Alumnus Discusses the Implications of Genesis 2:5

“When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground. (Genesis 2:5)”

April 14, 2021

Hudson ’23 Rebounds from Disappointment of Canceled Season

Paul Hudson, a 6-foot-5 forward, averaged four minutes of playing time per game during his freshman year on the Dartmouth basketball team. A highly-touted recruit out of Charlotte (N.C.) Christian School, Hudson ’23 expected to play a bigger role for the Big Green this year. However, like all Ivy League sports teams, the Dartmouth basketball 2020-21 season was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 13, 2021

CU Caritas Students and Alumni Unite Online

For recently graduated college students, this year has proven an increasingly difficult time for establishing the rhythms of adulthood. The lack of job security and limitations on social gatherings have caused anxiety for many young adults as they struggle to navigate post-graduate life in isolation.

April 12, 2021
Cameron Baller describes the impact of Christian Union on his life as a student at Dartmouth. Christian Union has given him much needed community and Christian discipleship. Christian Union's constant outreach has led to his spiritual growth while at Dartmouth.

April 12, 2021

It's a Process, a Journey, and a Story 

Is sanctification a process that is the same for every believer? In some senses, yes—in Christ we are all being conformed into His image day by day. But the way we experience this transformation can be enormously different from person to person or in change at different times in our own lives. 

April 9, 2021

CU Conference Inspired Students to Put Faith into Action

In February, Christian Union Founder and Chief Executive Officer Matt Bennett kicked off the ministry’s 2019 Nexus Conference by asking students to consider the dedication and leadership of Jehoshaphat, a descendent of King David.
  The devotion and courage of King Jehoshaphat was remarkable. Although he had his flaws, the ancient leader worshipped God, readily obeyed spiritual commands, and boldly compelled the nation of Judah to seek the Lord. Such practices dovetail with some of the key missions of Christian Union, a leadership development organization that encourages college students to honor the Lord, step out in faith, and change the world.

April 9, 2021

Third-Year Student Reflects on Christian Union’s Influence

“No Christian and, indeed, no historian could accept the epigram which defines religion as ‘what a man does with his solitude.’ It was one of the Wesleys, I think, who said that the New Testament knows nothing of solitary religion.”

April 5, 2021

Princeton University Professors Among Founding Members

Princeton University Professors Robert P. George and Keith Whittington are among the founding members of the recently-formed Academic Freedom Alliance. The organization, which seeks to defend freedom of speech on college campuses, includes over two-hundred scholars, representing a spectrum of academic disciplines and political perspectives.

April 5, 2021

Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night

“When COVID came for us it came in the season of Lent, and for many of us, neither COVID nor Lent is finished. Covidtide some have called it: an exception or emergency in the church’s calendar, a sustained and seemingly endless period of isolation, confusion, and loss. The darkness of a plague descended like a shroud over the globe, and Christians, no less than others, have been unsure of what to say or do, of which way to turn in the sudden and disorienting gloam.”

March 31, 2021

Princeton Student Organizes Multi-Campus Prayer Event 

Students across Christian Union campuses mobilized to craft a ministry-wide night of prayer, interceding into the wee hours of the morning around topics like repentance, evangelism, leadership, and putting on the full armor of God.

March 30, 2021

David Brooks Makes a Compelling Case  

In this deep dive into family life over the past century, David Brooks argues that families—both adults and children—thrive when they are deeply interconnected to either extended family or forged families like neighbors or church communities. Brooks explains how our nation's current battle against loneliness, overwork, economic struggles, and even mental illness can all be traced back to the disintegration of family and living in a support system. 

March 25, 2021

Determining the Value of Every Life  

“For decades, now our culture has been asking a question: what, or who, determines the value of human life?” This short video from The Village Church explores the topic of abortion, how our culture conceives of human life, how political preferences shape it, and, ultimately, what God says about it.

March 25, 2021

The Seeking God Lifestyle and Other Steps 

How can a follower of Christ contribute to a nationwide revitalization of Christianity?  There are 330 million people living in the United States with 231million identifying as Christians.  As one voice in such a large multitude, David slaying Goliath can seem like a walk in the park compared to you and I contributing to another Great Awakening in America. 

March 24, 2021

A Yale Student’s Lenten Reflection

Editor’s note: The following article was reprinted with permission from The Yale Logos, a student-led Christian Journal.  By Raquel Sequeira, Yale ’21 “Die to live.” The words had been running through my head since before Lent—since before I moved back to New Haven to finally start my senior year. After a gap semester spent living at home, I prayed for guidance into spring and tried to be genuinely open to whatever God might ask of me.

March 23, 2021
Humans, Animals, and Machines in the Age of Biotechnology: A Conversation with Stanford Professor William Hurlbut Are humans, as some maintain, ‘just another ordinary animal species’? What role will technology, and the cultural ideas that guide them, play in shaping our future? How do these questions relate to our destiny, individual and collectively, as a species made in the image of God?  

March 23, 2021

Princeton Alumnus Is Concerned by Decision 

Ryan T. Anderson knew his book would be controversial in some circles. When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment provided a robust scientific, philosophical, medical, and legal examination of our nation’s rapidly changing understanding of transgenderism as soon as it was released a little over three years ago. A Princeton alumnus ('04) and speaker for Christian Union events, Anderson earned his Ph.D. in political philosophy from the University of Notre Dame. 

March 19, 2021

Cultural Changes Are Reshaping the Landscape 

Religious freedom is an expectation and reality in our country, but with radical legislative changes and a major shift in the cultural understanding of identity, religious freedom may be evaporating before our eyes. In this article from Gospel Coalition Australia, Akos Balogh examines the cultural changes that are quickly reshaping the freedom of the church in the west. 

March 19, 2021

University of Pennsylvania

Ethan is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania and he has been involved in Christian Union since his freshman year. Arriving on campus as a self-described young Christian, the ministry encouraged and challenged him to deepen his faith. "I understand so much more of who God is, but I have still so much more to learn and that just would not have been possible without God working through Christian Union." -Ethan Chaffee, University of Pennsylvania '20 In this Student Spotlight video, Ethan describes the impact Christian Union has had on his walk with the Lord throughout the past four years. To learn more about Christian Union Martus at the University of Pennsylvania, click here.
March 17, 2021

CU Ministry Fellow at Stanford Helps Shed Light on Crisis

Anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation are some of the mental health challenges that can plague college students during their academic careers. The stress of COVID-19 and growing academic pressures have left some students more depressed and anxious than ever before. As of today, one out of every four college students in the United States has contemplated ending their life.