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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 16, 2021

1820 Revival Transformed Providence, Brown University

He noted how Willard Preston, a Congregationalist pastor, firmly declared to Brown University students that “never did the inhabitants of this town experience such a season of refreshing from the presence of God.”On campus, the revival led to a prayer movement and saved souls.
This academic year will mark the 200th anniversary of a revival that forever changed the religious landscape of Providence, Rhode Island, and left a profound impact on the students at Brown University.“The Hand of God was visible everywhere,” wrote author Mark S. Schantz, describing the city’s 1820 revival.

March 16, 2021

CU Gloria Provides Vital Resources During Harvard Break

As Harvard transitioned from the fall semester into a long break, CU Gloria provided spiritual encouragement and community for students through “Winter Workshops” and book groups. Though winter break is a welcome change of pace after a semester of long days and intense studying, this time away from community that often lacks structure can also become a lonely time in which students struggle in their faith.

March 12, 2021

Missing the Most Important One

The revelations of Ravi Zacharias’ failures have invited a host of questions to discern how such destructive  sins could have occurred. Seeking answers, Christians have primarily probed RZIM from an organizational perspective.

March 11, 2021

The Importance of Developing Young Christian Leaders 

As this article from the Gospel Coalition argues, Christian college students typically arrive on campus with a flimsy understanding of their faith. Though it is easy to think that growing up in the church with parents who are believers and participating in a youth ministry is enough to form young adults into Christians with a basic understanding of scripture and doctrine, as Randall Greenwald argues, it usually is not. 

March 10, 2021

Sternklar ’22 Has a Passion For Prayer, International Justice  

Athena Sternklar wants to change the world through a career focused on international policy and humanitarian aid. The political science major, who transferred to Columbia University in the fall, took a hiatus from college a few years back to travel abroad and volunteer in refugee camps in Greece, Serbia, and Jordan. She came to Columbia via Montgomery Community College in her hometown of Rockville, Maryland.

March 8, 2021

How Can We Engage Them with the Good News? 

Who is Generation Z? Yes, they are the individuals who were born between the early ’90s and mid-2010s, but for Christian Union, they represent one of our primary mission fields.

March 1, 2021

Q and A with Andrew T. Walker

Andrew T. Walker is Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the author of God and the Transgender Debate.

February 26, 2021

Digital Publication Continues Ministry's Long History of Reporting

Welcome to The Magazine, Christian Union's online publication of feature stories, ministry updates, commentary, and news.

February 25, 2021

Christian Union's 2019 Fact-Finding Trip

Healing the Land ministry operates from a home church base in Nausori, Fiji. We had the opportunity to worship at the home church of this ministry; to commemorate the passing of their giant of a founder, pastor Ratu Vuniani Nakauyaca, and travel with his son, Pastor Savenaca Nakauyaca —a powerful, Joshua-like successor; and to sit at the feet of the ministry to learn from their process, and to be led into communities that have been transformed by God.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7: 13, 14

February 19, 2021

Three Biblical Reasons to Fast 

Twenty-first century American Christianity is not known for self-denial. Most of the American church’s marketing mirrors the world’s. The church sells good-looks, fashion, and personal happiness. No doubt, following Jesus makes your life better, but true discipleship promises hardship and absolute surrender along the way.  And He said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” – Luke 9:23

February 17, 2021

Yale Alumna Recalls Seeking God Lifestyle Course    

Christian Union whet my appetite for fasting. Nine years ago, I participated in Christian Union’s Seeking God Lifestyle Bible course at Yale. The course discussed seven principles to intentionally draw near to God. The first was “humility with fasting.”

February 15, 2021

Virtual Women’s Bible Course at Brown Stays Connected   

The women of Christian Union Libertas at Brown University are using this season to dig deep. Although the fall and spring semesters are very different than in previous years, with most students taking classes remotely, the women’s side of the ministry has found ways to deepen their connections with one another.  Ministry Fellow Laurel Copp realized that things would need to look different this academic year in order to engage students well, so she took two of the Chrisitan Union foundations, Bible course and discipleship, and reimagined them. While much is the same, a lot is different, as Copp believes this year can be one of substantial growth. 

February 12, 2021

Christian Union Caritas Launches Small Groups  

Connected in Christ
In the midst of long-distance community and ministry, Christian Union Caritas has found an opportunity to launch a new initiative to help Stanford University students stay connected to one another and deepen relationships. Small groups have been something that Senior Ministry Fellow Justin Woyak, Princeton '07, has wanted to start for a few semesters, but the time never seemed right. But with students feeling disconnected from each other due to the COVID-19 pandemic, small groups have become a new focal point for the CU Caritas community.

February 12, 2021

Adewuyi ’20 Thankful for Christian Union’s Influence

Law and Justice
A recent Harvard Law School alumnus plans to use his skills and talents to advocate for housing access and affordability. Yemi Adewuyi ’20 wants to play a role in initiatives that empower the disadvantaged to become self-sufficient. “Justice is making sure that a person experiencing homelessness can escape poverty,” said Adewuyi.

February 11, 2021

Christian Union Bible Courses Are a Virtual Training Ground at Princeton

Christian Union Nova, the student organization at Princeton University, was forced to get creative as it considered how to manage nearly twenty online Bible courses among only three ministry fellows this fall. Students wanted to stay in their regular Bible courses since they are places of growth, personal sharing, and deep spiritual friendship. In order to care for these students well, while also ensuring that they would receive high-quality instruction as they studied the Gospel of Mark, Christian Union Nova faculty created a new method of teaching. 

February 10, 2021

CU Bible Courses for Female Athletes Thrive at Cornell

Athletes understand the concept of family; a group of people you might not have chosen becoming the ones with whom you share life. The team forms such a family where sacrifice and faith in one another drive these individuals towards a common goal. It’s no wonder that athletes share a particularly special bond when they come together around the Gospel. And the female athletes at Cornell have been doing just that.

February 9, 2021

Christian Union New York

The challenges during this pandemic season have been significant — and at times even overwhelming — for healthcare providers. Christian Union invited three faithful doctors to share their experiences at a webinar on Christian Perspectives on Healthcare in a Pandemic on Thursday, February 9, 2021. 
The challenges during this pandemic season have been significant — and at times even overwhelming — for healthcare providers. Christian Union invited three faithful doctors to share their experiences at a webinar on Christian Perspectives on Healthcare in a Pandemic on Thursday, February 9, 2021. 

February 9, 2021

In the midst of such trying times, Christian Union is encouraged to see believers holding fast to Christ, our Rock.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' latest assessment of their mental health is worse than it has been at any point in the last two decades. Seventy-six percent of U.S. adults rate their mental health positively, representing a nine-point decline from 2019.

February 8, 2021

Watt ’22 Is a Gracious Host and Leader

The extraordinary leadership of Caleb Watt has helped Christian Union Martus stay connected and in community for the last year, especially during the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Pennsylvania.

January 28, 2021

Columbia Student Is a Leader with Christian Union, John Jay Society

In his Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas said, “There is no greater act of charity than to lead a neighbor to truth.” At Columbia University, Jonathan Tanaka ’23 is passionately seeking this greatest act of charity in a bold and wholehearted way. “I believe that since God is the perfect, supreme arbiter of truth—He is truth. It is not only a good thing to pursue Him by pursuing truth, but it is my duty to do so,” said Tanaka, who serves on the executive team for Christian Union’s Lumine ministry at Columbia.