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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 27, 2019
Os Guinness on Covenantal Love, Unspeakable Evil, and Being American Now; Just Say No; The "Good" Life; On the Importance of Poetry; Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture; Please Join Christian Union in the Adirondacks this Summer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. — Lamentations 3:25,26

February 25, 2019

He will explore Augustine and "Sanctified Ambition". 

Registation is live for the CU Cities Conference, taking place June 21-22, 2019. Register today at CU Cities Conference. The conference theme is "Courageous in the Ways of the Lord." New and seasoned professionals, and graduate students, are warmly welcome. Speakers are announced each week. Revealed speakers are...

February 20, 2019
CHRISTIAN UNION MINISTRY FELLOW AT BROWN UNIVERSITY It is difficult to say no. Particularly to yourself. Donna and Tom, two government employees on NBC's television show Parks and Rec have an annual "Treat Yo Self" day in which they allow themselves to be selfish. They pamper themselves, treat themselves to expensive and useless items, and do whatever makes them happy. What makes Tom and Donna's "Treat Yo Self" day so apropos is that these two, more than any other characters on the show, clearly treat themselves all the time.It is the natural inclination of the human heart to be selfish.

February 13, 2019
A Special Invitation from Eric Metaxas; Emotions for the Christian Life; Should Religious Belief Inform Public Policy?; Don't Miss the Great Experiment this March; Move Over Sex and Drugs. Ease is the New Vice; Penn Parents Share and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. — John 15:13

February 11, 2019

Brown Student Artists Explore Meaning Together

Director of Marketing and Communications Students involved in Christian Union at Brown recently collaborated with several campus ministries to execute on an engaging, arts-based outreach concept. Brown senior Lydia Haile performs The multi-faceted exhibit took place on February 6. Students secured a gallery in the student union and put out a request for submissions across Brown and RISD. The show would include painting, music, and poetry, and artist talks.

February 8, 2019

Join thousands in the Great Experiment, March 1-10. 

You are invited to take part in The Great Experiment, a ten-day commitment to seek God with thousands of other Christians across America. Learn more and sign up at CU Day & Night.

February 8, 2019
Moments away from giving birth to our third child, my wife’s blood pressure dropped significantly. With two nurses, her doctor, and me by her side, her words to us in that moment were, “I feel like I am dying.” I feared the worst, but fortunately my fear was soon allayed. She was given medication, her blood pressure rebounded to a healthy range, and she, and our son, made it through safely. Speaking from my own point of view (the only point of view I can speak from), my wife’s desperate situation touched one of my concerns. It touched my concern for her. A particular emotion, specifically the emotion of fear, enabled me, we might say, to ‘perceive’ my wife’s distress. What Emotions Are For Freely borrowing from Christian philosopher Robert C. Roberts, we can say that an emotion is a ‘perception’ of a ‘touched’ concern (Roberts, 11).

February 6, 2019

2019 Christian Union Summer Getaway

Join Christian Union leaders, staff, alumni, friends, and ministry partners (and their families) for the third annual Christian Union Summer Getaway, July 13 - 20, 2019. Enjoy the beautiful CAMP-of-the-WOODS, in the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York, for a week of spiritual and physical refreshment. Registration is now open at www.CUSummerGetaway.orgChristian Union's friend Eric Metaxas will be there, and he invites you to join him!Learn more about the getaway details:

February 5, 2019

Thankful for Son's Engagement with Christian Union

"My wife, Miryan, and I met at Penn (many more years ago than either of us would care to admit). Miryan found the Lord there. Our oldest, Matthew, is a sophomore transfer (from Rice) who just finished his first semester as a Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences.When he left our home in Los Angeles last year and headed to school, one of our most fervent prayers for Matthew was that he might find a committed community of faith, willing and able to confirm, strengthen, and encourage him in his walk.

January 30, 2019
Present Day Miracles; Authentically Seeking God; Encouragement is Key; She Asked Everyone to Pray; Unique from Day One: Pro-Life is Pro-Science; The Christian Union Summer Getaway and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. — Ephesians 3:20-21

January 28, 2019

In Finland, Camille Zimmerman, Columbia ’18, Continues to Lead in Prayer

Columbia University refers to her as its “Best-Ever Basketball Player.” Camille Zimmerman ’18 is “the highest scoring basketball player ever in Columbia Athletics history.” She was also, up until graduation last spring, considered a leader at Columbia in more ways than one. Camille led by example on and off the court, earning the profound admiration of teammates and the athletic department. She was also a spiritual leader, as Christian Union ministry fellow Ava Ligh can attest.

January 28, 2019
Christian Union Teaching Fellow Columbia University "If then you have been raised with Christ, then seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." - Colossians 3:1-4  In Colossians 3, the apostle Paul reminds his audience of what God has already done for them in Christ. They have died with Christ to both the penalty and power of sin, and likewise they participate in Jesus' own resurrection life through the indwelling of the Spirit. The old has been done away with; the new creation has arrived!Yet Paul does not stop there, 

January 25, 2019

Student Spotlight: Jose Reyes '19

Jose Reyes is part of the Class of 2019 at Brown University. The biology major, on a neuroscience track, hails from El Paso, Texas. In addition to being a student leader with Christian Union at Brown, he tutors peers in organic chemistry and immunology, and he is also part of an Alzheimer's research lab. Recently, Jose shared his thoughts about the important qualities of a leader and mentor:

January 21, 2019

Salon with Mark Reynolds

On Thursday January 17, Christian Union New York welcomed over thirty guests to hear Mark Reynolds (of Redeemer City to City) teach on church planting in global cities. Through a Salon entitled The New Frontier of Mission, Reynolds outlined effective ways for Church planters and Christian leaders to engage the city around them, along with advice on how to avoid common pitfalls.The central point of the discussion focused on what Reynolds described as the “Two-Cities” theory. As outlined in a simple diagram Reynolds handed out at the start of his talk, the church can often be described as one smaller “second city” within the larger “first city.” 

January 16, 2019
The Global Sexual Revolution; Temptation!; My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience; Cornell Students' Summer of Service; How History's Revivals Teach us to Pray and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Will you not revive us again,         that your people may rejoice in you?— Psalm 85:6

January 14, 2019
Christian Union Ministry Director Cornell University Temptation to sin (and actually sinning) is, unfortunately, an abiding aspect of the Christian life. How do we get better at resisting?Genuine change comes about by the Lord’s doing. If we want to be people who relish (not perfectly, but genuinely) righteousness over sin, Christ over counterfeits, our wills need to be changed. How does God do that?

January 9, 2019
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10It was about 3:30 am, January 9, 2018. One year ago the rain unleashed over the coastal community, loosening boulders the size of firetrucks from the mountain range. These tore through mature trees, gathering them along on torrents that ripped through dry creek beds, channels now overwhelmed with the explosive force of earth racing the short miles from the craggy mountain range, through homes and businesses, to the beaches below.

January 2, 2019
Jonathan Haidt on the Coddling of the American Mind; Finding Your Five; Leaving Religion at Home: Engaging Religious Thought and Action in American Society; Godlessness: the First Step to the Gulag; A Heart for Serving Neighbors and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Love the LORD, all you his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!— Psalm 31:23-24

January 1, 2019
Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution and broken it? Have you ever set goals and then realized by the end of the year they remain incomplete? If you are anything like me, I’ve done this too many times. When I wrote my resolutions and goals in the past, like many of you, I had every intention to complete them, but life got in the way! Before I knew it, the year was drawing to a close and I had little if any progress. I made a decision to find a better way to handle the personal life change and goals that I wanted to achieve. Noted leadership author Dr. John Maxwell introduced me to a solution called, The Rule of Five.

December 19, 2018
A Christmas Concert; Calling Believers to a Ten-Day Fast in January; Look Forward to a Better Christmas; I'm Good, I Think...; Friday Night Lights; Everyone Believes in a Virgin Birth; Three Ways to Help Develop Christian Leaders and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.— John 1:14