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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 15, 2016
A recent study from the American College of Pediatricians has found that teaching gender ideology in elementary schools psychologically hurts children. To understand gender ideology it is important to recognize an inherent contradiction between its dual goals. On the one hand, it seeks to erase any suggestion of biological distinctions between male and female. On the other hand, it reinforces some cultural roles by suggesting children can and should alter their sex to confirm to what “gender” they feel themselves to be, even to point of hormone treatment and surgical alteration. This ideology dangerously conflates biological sex and its differences with the variables attitudes and roles of the sexes within a society. But all evidence shows that allowing children to “choose their sex” at an age when they cannot fully understand what they are doing will confuse and harm them as they get older.

June 15, 2016
The spiritual disciplines allow us to become like Christ by teaching us to live in the same manner as He did. In an interview with Christianity Today, authors Philip Nation and David Mathis, discuss the spiritual disciplines and how we can implement them into our daily lives.

June 15, 2016
Students at Dartmouth are challenging two closely related, disturbing trends in higher education—the growth of bureaucracy and censorship. In a petition to the Dartmouth administration, five student government leaders and 1,200 signees expressed strong discontent with the ever-increasing number of non-faculty staff employed by the college. The number of non-faculty administrators has risen to 1,000 from 1999 to 2004 and then, despite faculty lay-offs, to 3,497 by 2015. This monumental staff increase has contributed to making the minimum cost $70,000 for a year at Dartmouth. 

June 15, 2016
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union Supporting Heroes and Heroines on the Front Lines

June 8, 2016
Liberal academia claims to champion the progressive ideals of inclusion and diversity. Unfortunately, there exists a systematic discrimination against certain viewpoints, including conservatives and evangelical Christians in many colleges. As colleges pay lip-service to diversity, but discourage it in reality, it is students that lose out on experiencing genuine diversity of thought. Nicholas Kristof addresses this bias in a New York Times op-ed:

June 8, 2016
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:9). Though we live in a world filled with discord, we should take His exhortation to heart and through our peaceful dispositions, let our neighbors feel the positive impact of our Christian faith.

June 8, 2016
The environment at the nation’s leading universities is often academically intense, sometimes highly competitive, and highly secular. Prospective students and families considering the pros and cons of attending one of the nation’s top ranked schools are right to wonder if it will be difficult for freshmen who are Christian to stay strong in their faith. However, despite the real challenges they face, Christian students reflecting on their experiences report a wealth of opportunities to grow in their faith.

June 2, 2016
On May 6, 2016, Harvard University announced “members of independent, single-sex, off-campus organizations will be blacklisted from Rhodes and Marshall scholarships and banned from leadership of on-campus organizations or athletic teams.”

June 2, 2016
Prayer: one of the most powerful and puzzling aspects of Christianity. A prayer can range from a quick utterance to hours of dedicated intercession. Prayer is something that we can never do enough, yet there is no exact formula (even the Lord’s prayer is offered as a guide, not imposed as a rule). There are a rich variety of modes of prayer that can help believers enter into conscious, personal communion with God.

June 1, 2016
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union Finding Her Voice as A Pro-Life Leader

May 26, 2016
It is in fact the most normal thing in the common Christian life to pray together. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

May 26, 2016
“In the dressing room before a show, we would read the psalms as a band and then walk out into arenas and stadiums — the words igniting us, inspiring us.” — Bono, activist and lead singer of U2

May 24, 2016
"I went from having no voice to wanting to be the voice of the pro-life movement." Courtney McEachon '15 is a graduate of Yale University. Among her many courses and activities, she was a key student leader in the pro-life movement at Yale. In her efforts to bring greater visibility to the pro-life movement among college students, Courtney gained considerable insight into the role people of influence play in determining what constitutes "good" and "just" in society.

May 20, 2016

Q & A with John Seel

Christian Union: The Magazine recently interviewed Dr. John Seel, a "cultural renewal entrepreneur." Seel is a senior fellow at Cardus, a think tank focused on North American social architecture. The former director of cultural engagement at the John Templeton Foundation, he is also principal of John Seel Consulting LLC, a cultural impact consulting firm specializing on millennials.At Christian Union's recent Nexus Professional Conference in New Haven, Connecticut, Seel was a keynote speaker. His two messages were entitled Evangelical Exiles and the Challenge of Culture Engagement and Faithful Presence in American Babylon.

May 20, 2016

Drexel '16 Has a Heart of Compassion for Immigrants

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterA former student leader with Christian Union's ministry at Yale University is pursuing plans to utilize his passion for the underprivileged to assist on the frontlines of the refugee crisis in Europe.Bill Drexel '16, who has been aiding refugees in Connecticut since he arrived at Yale, is formalizing plans to spend the summer in Southern Europe to serve the wave of refugees arriving from Syria and other countries.

May 20, 2016

Robert Louis Wilken Speaks at CU New York Forum

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterSpiritual freedom allows Christians to flourish, just as they were designed to do.Robert Louis Wilken offered that insight when the University of Virginia professor emeritus appeared at a Christian Union New York Forum in January. The prolific author spoke on Spiritual Freedom: Freedom Nourished from Within on January 19 at Scandinavia House in Manhattan.

May 20, 2016

Princeton Faith and Action Hosts Distinguished Guest

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterGod will supply for His beloved servants, even in the midst of forbidding circumstances.Rev. Lincoln Bingham offered that inspiration when the longtime pastor and grandson of a slave spoke as part of Princeton Faith and Action's commemoration of Black History Month.The Kentucky minister told students who attended a TruThursday series how both his grandfather and father, a sharecropper, maintained their faith, despite living through some of the darkest chapters of American history.

May 20, 2016

Christian Union Ministry Hosts Panel Discussion

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterAs a reflection of His exquisitely artistic nature, God fashioned humans to showcase creativity while crafting paintings, poetry, music, and other expressions.That was one the fascinating topics that emerged during a recent panel discussion on Christians and the arts on behalf of Christian Union's ministry at Columbia University.On January 28, dozens of students gathered in a lecture hall inside Columbia's Mathematics building to hear four artists from New York City probe the crossroads of their faith and the creative realm.

May 20, 2016
The Spiritual Power of Habit by Dr. James K.A. Smith Dr. James K.A. Smith, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College, was a plenary speaker at Nexus 2016, the Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action, in New Haven, Connecticut. He addressed the human tendency to be shaped by what we love and long for even more than just what we believe or think.

May 18, 2016
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union Bono & Eugene Peterson on Honesty & the Psalms