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Greetings from New York!

I’m always excited to be at this point in May — the promise of summer and the greater promise of newly arrived graduates in New York and other cities.  They are excited to be done with their formal schooling (at least for a time) and many of us a little further down the path are excited for them as they begin to connect to the wider world of work and life that faith calls us into.

Please pray for these graduates as they make this transition — finding new spiritual community and understanding how to engage this broader world with the redemptive, saving gospel of Jesus Christ.  We have a full summer of events, social gatherings and connections with the Christian Union New York network to help with this — and we hope you will join us for some or all of these.

Just down the road in late June we have an amazing opportunity to be part of our community for a week in the Adirondacks.  Christian Union is hosting Summer Getaway at Camp-of-the Woods.  COTW is located in Speculator, New York, and sports a 115 year history of providing an outdoors experience (with indoor comforts for sleeping) with myriad activities and renowned speakers.

Join friends and families of Christian Union for a week of fellowship, Bible teaching, and fun at the spectacular CAMP-of-the-WOODS in upstate New York for the first-ever Christian Union Summer Getaway. In addition to participating in the main activities of the camp we will have regular break-out times to look intentionally at the issues which form the core of our mission: developing leaders to transform culture, and our commitment to live in such a way as to seek God in all things.

From June 25 – July 2 we will hear from Dr. Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte as main speaker, plus Norm Sonju, former President and GM of the Dallas Mavericks — in addition to afternoons either busy with sports activities, or laid back by the lake in conversation with others.  The camp also has a full program of activities for children.  Click here for more information and registration.

Whether praying for new grads and helping to welcome them to the city, or making plans to be with us at Camp-of-the-Woods June 25-July 2 we hope you will join us this summer for some exciting times.  The world is changing and together we are part of it.

Scott Crosby
Ministry Director
Christian Union New York

For more information on Christian Union New York Bible courses and activities, or resources available to you please contact Scott Crosby.

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Please note: if you would like to receive email updates on how to pray for Christian Union Cities, please contact prayer@christianunion.org.