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Dear Prayer Partners,

Happy fall from Dartmouth! Last night our student executive team put on a dinner for all our ministry and Bible course leaders to care for them, as well as to give them opportunity to voice how they would like to see CU grow at Dartmouth and to pray for their specific areas of leadership. Will you join us in praying for their following requests?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I write to you today, there is a clear cool breeze in the air—a clear indication that Fall has finally arrived. Here in Princeton we are now well into the semester, with midterms right around the corner for our students. In the midst of the busyness here, God has been very faithful—he has helped get us off to a good start with a successful freshman campaign. In this letter, as usual, I wanted to update you on the freshman campaign as well as give you an update of some individual prayer requests that we have.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

I was looking back at an old prayer letter from June 2018. In that letter I asked that you would “…pray for fresh vision for this coming fall. Even now as we plan, we are trusting in God’s power to bring divine appointments, to scatter the seed of the Gospel and to see much fruit born.”

Dear Friends,

Thank you for continuing to remember us in prayer before the Lord Jesus Christ! I’m pleased to share that Fall Retreat (Oct 12-14) was the encouraging, faith-building experience that we had hoped it would be! We brought 28 students to the Incarnation Center to reconnect with God and with one another, and evangelist Chris White (Yale ’87) taught richly from God’s Word and his own life. Saturday night was particularly powerful as the Holy Spirit flooded the room during our time of worship, and God’s Spirit helped staff and students pray over and minister to one another. I had a strong impression right before the retreat that the young men and women in our ministry would begin to live more like “brothers and sisters” in Christ as a result of the weekend. Progress towards that end was evident in group times, play times, meal times, and we all agreed that God had graced us with much deeper sense of “openness” as guards had come down in response to His work in hearts.

The annual CU New York Yacht Cruise late last month was spectacular – a cool vintage yacht, gorgeous weather, and a collection of sixty of the most fun people to hang out with.  From recent grads to grizzled veterans of the Big Apple it was an afternoon of fun and fellowship, followed by an after-party at The Park. 


The fall semester has begun here at Brown University and we’re well into our Freshman Welcoming Campaign (our effort to love, serve and welcome freshmen into our community during the first four weeks of the semester). It’s been a flurry of events, conversations and the beginning of our normal rhythms of ministry. There’s so much I could share, but I wanted to briefly share one story.


Christian Union at Columbia has continued to experience God’s goodness this semester. We just finished a successful freshmen welcoming campaign, having reached all our goals for freshmen signups. Our desire is to integrate this freshmen class with the rest of the ministry, forming a loving community of believers on Columbia’s campus. One of the ways we intend on building community is through our upcoming fall conference at Spruce Lake. Fall conference is a great opportunity for students to build relationships with each other through various activities and spiritually refresh themselves before the semester gets crazy. Our staff has decided to teach through the book of Ruth during our time there.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Before giving a few updates about what God has been doing here at Cornell, I wanted to just give a brief introduction to myself. My name is Jordan Cooper. I served in pastoral ministry for about six years in the Midwest before receiving God’s call to serve the students here in Ithaca, NY. These past few weeks since I moved in, have been a whirlwind, but I am very excited to be part of God’s work through Christian Union, and specifically here at Cornell.

Hello from Dartmouth,

Thank you for your prayers for our Freshmen Welcoming Campaign. The Lord has answered them in so many ways! It’s been a wonderfully full few weeks.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing to you today in the midst of our Freshman Campaign which we have been undertaking for just under two weeks. In this letter, I want to update you on our Pre-Retreat and Freshman Campaign and then share several specific prayer requests with you.

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