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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I am writing you today, it is a beautiful day in Princeton. The weather is becoming cooler—a clear sign that that summer is coming to a close. Our staff recently returned from our annual “Christian Union Faculty and Staff Conference.” This was a conference for all Christian Union’s ministry faculty as well as our support staff. We had a wonderful, encouraging time of seeking God together through prayer, as well as a time of training and equipping.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Summer Break and our Freshman Campaign is off to an excellent start. We kicked the school year off with our Pre-retreat, for our returning leaders. I have to say it was one of our best retreats to date. The students reunited and had a wonderful time of teaching and training. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.

Dear Prayer Partners,

As I write this update, Clay and the Yale team are in the midst of their pre-retreat with student leaders!  Before classes start, the student leaders and the CU staff come together to reconnect with each other, the Lord, and the mission to reach Yale's campus with the gospel of Christ Jesus.  In particular, they'll be strategically focusing on hospitality and outreach to the first-year students.  Join me in praying that this time would be fruitful in terms of their relationships with each other, the Lord, and in stirring up these leaders to boldly proclaim the Lord and minister to their classmates.

The Gallup organization published a poll this year on institutions and the level of confidence Americans have in them.  Some of their findings:

2018 2009 2000
Church/organized religion 38% 52% 56%
Supreme Court 37% 39% 47%
Congress 11% 17% 24%
Big Business 25% 16% 29%
Newspapers 23% 25% 37%

The list of institutions surveyed goes well beyond these few but the trend is similar – that we trust our institutions less as being capable, in our best interests, and as foundational to our societal well-being.  While the Gallup poll does not break this down by faith commitment, I would be surprised if there was much difference between those of faith and those not of faith.

Warm greetings from Palo Alto,

As a novice parent trying to figure out how to raise three young children (and making many more mistakes than I thought I would!), I often find myself saying inside my head, “What matters most in my relationship with my kids is that I love them, and that they know it.” Until recently, I found myself focusing on that first element: that I love my kids. After all, that’s the element in my control, right?

Invigorating Godliness in The Nation’s Capital 

Christian Union DC develops networks of transformative Christian leaders in Washington, DC, the nation’s capital and arguably the most influential city in the world.

The ministry provides special attention to helping alumni from the schools where Christian Union operates to transition from college to the marketplace (or graduate school) well, which includes participating in a local church and Christian community, and continuing to grow as a Christian, spiritually and intellectually.

Whether you were involved with a Christian Union ministry in college or not, if you live, work, or pursue graduate studies in the DC area, you are warmly welcome to attend Christian Union DC events. Connect to a community of dynamic Christians who are devoted to Jesus Christ and desire to bring a godly influence to their fields.

Get Involved

Opportunities to get involved in DC include:

  • Industry-specific networking, and cross-industry community-building opportunities
  • An excellent speaker series on topics ranging from Christian growth to godly leadership in various fields
  • CU Cities Conference - an annual professionals’ conference, exploring compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to every facet of life


If you have questions or want to learn more about getting involved in DC, please email us at: cudc@christianunion.org.
We hope that you are having a blessed summer. Our students are currently enjoying their summer vacation and/or working all over the globe on various projects, internships and summer jobs. Our staff continues to prepare for the fall semester.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I pray your summer has been full of fun, rest and, most of all, Christ. Campus here at Brown has been quiet since graduation back on Memorial Day weekend. Outside of a few students who have remained in Providence for internships, research and/or work, the majority of our students are dispersed around the globe. Matt Woodard, Ministry Director of Christian Union at Brown University, Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow, and I have been busy catching up on some professional development and preparing for the fall semester. Additionally, we have gathered the few remaining students for a study of the book of Revelation. Though we haven’t been able to gather as often as we had hoped, the times we’ve gotten together have been fun times of catching up and trying to wrap our minds and hearts around this crazy book of the Bible. We’d love your prayers as we meet a few more times between now and the beginning of August. Please pray that God would not only enlighten our minds but encourage our hearts and empower obedience as we finish up this final book of the Bible.

Dear friends of Christian Union at Cornell,

Summer casts students far and wide, while a handful remain on campus to conduct research or fill in a class or two. Irrespective of their specific job or responsibility this summer, we’re thankful that they belong to Christ and that he holds them fast.

Hello from Dartmouth,

There’s not too much to report from here. We as staff have been taking turns going on vacation, which has been good for the soul. We are excited to be back together to start brainstorming and dreaming about this next year.

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