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The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union
Bono & Eugene Peterson on Honesty & the Psalms
On college campuses, discussions and messages tend to describe pornography as empowering for women, a real breakthrough for sexual freedom. But the truth is, pornography instigates the opposite: it is an incredible vehicle of social injustice on many levels.
Seeking the face of God is the process of drawing close to God, and therefore attracting His presence to your life and community. It is hard work to seek God's face, which takes time and effort like anything else worthy of pursuit in this life.
Christians are called to be compassionate (1 Peter 3:8) and to love those who oppose them (Luke 6:27). To some, “loving your enemies” means either avoiding controversy, or watering down the Christian message until it pleases everyone. This is not what Christ did; this is not what God wants.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. — Psalm 119:11
“After 40 years of peer-reviewed research, scholars can say with confidence that porn is an industrial product that shapes how we think about gender, sexuality, relationships, intimacy, sexual violence and gender equality — for the worse.” – Gail Dines
Even those of us who have a Christian paradigm subconsciously create a filter for how we interpret things out of our own modern context.
The Reunions 2016 Annual Brunch hosted by Princeton Faith and Action, the Christian student organization resourced by Christian Union, will be listed under the student organization name in the University's Reunions schedule.
Despite it being left out of most secular accounts, Christianity decisively shaped Western Civilization. But Christians have neglected their calling to continue to shape culture. Today, steeped in an egocentric culture that glorifies many forms of sin, it is more critical than ever that Christians hear and follow God’s call to cultivate culture for His glory.