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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Signs surround us—whether it’s emojis in digital communication, traffic signs that help us navigate the roads, or business logos that mark brand identity. A sign is a visible representation of an idea, something standing for something other than itself. Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as signifying something. In John’s gospel, Jesus performs seven signs as visible symbols of God’s presence on earth. Each of the seven solicits a response: Do you believe that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s presence?

Dear Christian Union New York Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Do you ever feel discouraged and hopeless looking at our nation and our culture’s hard turn toward secularism? It often feels like the voice of Christianity in this country is being muzzled and is soon to be silenced. Especially on our nation’s university campuses and in our major cities, we are seeing this trend becoming entrenched and starting other trends in the rest of the country. Whether we want to see it or not, it is becoming more apparent through “cancel culture” and governmental mandating of church closures, how quickly we could lose ground on freedoms to openly live as the Scriptures require us to live.

Revival Fire Past and Present

By Dr. Michael L. Brown

In a certain sense, God’s presence fills the universe. Yet there are times in history when He manifests His presence in a particular place or in a particular way that is unique and distinct and powerful and transformative. We call those times “revival.”

CU Gloria Helps Host Online Event at Harvard

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer

After a year of  online classes,  most college students have become well-acquainted with Zoom-fatigue, loneliness, and stress. Some claim that college is the best time of one’s life, based on the available myriad of activities and frequent social gatherings. To the extent that this adage is true, COVID-19 restrictions have certainly turned this saying on its head. Rather than doing homework in coffee shops surrounded by friends, students are relegated to their dorms, apartments, or houses, dealing with the stress of academia in solitude.

Christian Union Event on May 14, 2021

Thanks for joining Christian Union Martus (University of Pennsylvania) at 4:00 PM EST for a virtual reunion. Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event.  Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. 

Rachel Gilson Writes New Book About Her Experience  

Rachel Gilson arrived at Yale with a girlfriend and a distaste for narrow-minded Christianity. She had experienced same-sex attraction in high school and quickly fell into a relationship with another young woman. But a few months into her freshman year, the relationship ended, sending Gilson reeling and searching for truth. She started with Rene Descartes, but it was C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity that gave her the answers she had been looking for. Through reading the book, she met Christ, repented, and left behind her lesbian lifestyle. 

"Ex-vangelicalism" is Why Christian Union is So Valuable on Influential Campuses

AB PiperAbraham Piper, the son of best-selling author and theologian John Piper, has recently risen to TikTok fame by posting content about walking away from the Christian faith. Piper creates minute-long videos critiquing everything from the idea of a literal hell to why certain Bible stories are ridiculous to why life has no ultimate meaning. Calling himself an ex-vangelical, Piper has found a fast audience of like-minded former believers who have been hurt by the church, cannot agree with conservative theology surrounding sexual ethics, or simply never got on board with their parents’ faith. 

Despite COVID Restrictions, CU Lux Digs Deep into Scripture

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer

Community has looked very different on college campuses these past few months than it has in years past. However, these changes have not stopped Christian Union Universities from ministering to students across the United States, in person and also through virtual connections.

CU New York Hosts Retreat for Young Professionals

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

A group of ten young professionals recently attended a Christian Union Fire retreat in New York City. Based on their feedback and ensuing testimonies, the event fueled a greater depth of seeking God and a passion for seeking revival.

Albert Mohler Discusses Morality and the Implications of a Biblical Worldview

Albert Mohler’s most recent book, The Gathering Storm, delves into the secularization of America over the past century and the implications unfolding for the church today. Though American evangelicalism is used to having a role of cultural influence in our nation, that influence is rapidly declining and being sidelined. Where the church once held the position of establishing morality for our country and much of the world, secularism has slowly antiquated theism as a whole. In order for a new moral system to be put in place, the old system must be dismantled.