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cu-today-porn-public-health-crisis“After 40 years of peer-reviewed research, scholars can say with confidence that porn is an industrial product that shapes how we think about gender, sexuality, relationships, intimacy, sexual violence and gender equality — for the worse.” – Gail Dines

Even those of us who have a Christian paradigm subconsciously create a filter for how we interpret things out of our own modern context.

The Reunions 2016 Annual Brunch hosted by Princeton Faith and Action, the Christian student organization resourced by Christian Union, will be listed under the student organization name in the University's Reunions schedule.

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

On Your Mark

Despite it being left out of most secular accounts, Christianity decisively shaped Western Civilization. But Christians have neglected their calling to continue to shape culture. Today, steeped in an egocentric culture that glorifies many forms of sin, it is more critical than ever that Christians hear and follow God’s call to cultivate culture for His glory.

In an article from Christian Today, David Robertson expounds on the many contributions Christianity has made to the world, demonstrating that Christianity turned the ancient world upside down and laid the foundation for much of modern Western society, and that Christianity ushers in numerous positive changes in societies around the globe:

CU-Today-Philanthropy-WeekIn a recent publication by the Alliance for Charitable Reform, a project of the The Philanthropy Roundtable, Christian Union was honored to be featured as the philanthropic achievement of the week:

WCU-Four-Types-of-Faith-CUThe parable of the farmer sowing seeds in chapter 8 of Luke, while one of the more well-known parables, is also a powerful call to self-reflection.  

Greetings from New York!

I’m always excited to be at this point in May — the promise of summer and the greater promise of newly arrived graduates in New York and other cities.  They are excited to be done with their formal schooling (at least for a time) and many of us a little further down the path are excited for them as they begin to connect to the wider world of work and life that faith calls us into.

Nexus Conference Networks, Inspires Students and Professionals
By Eileen Scott, Senior Writer

CU_Nexus_2016_145Nexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action explored the convergence of culture, career, and Christianity for 317 students from some of the nation's most influential universities.

The Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut, just a couple blocks from Yale University, was home to a weekend of vibrant worship, continuous and intercessory prayer and engaging messages from powerful plenary speakers on April 1-3. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale attended the conference, which offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career.

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