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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Christian Union Event Inspires Young Leaders

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

Students with Christian Union ministries at some of the nation’s most influential universities gathered virtually last spring for a Seeking God Lifestyle Seminar. For eight evenings, attendees heard inspiring teaching on topics ranging from repentance to revival, gathered in cohorts, and sought to draw closer to the Lord.

CU Libertas Helps Students Plug in During Welcoming Campaign

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor


One-on-one meetings over coffee, family-style dinners, and a weekly prayer breakfast—they are all on the menu as CU Libertas at Brown University continues to connect with students in the fall semester.

Renowned Yale University professor is openly questioning academia’s unwavering allegiance to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Yale Professor: Theory of Evolution Is “Religion” to Most Scholars  

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer


A renowned Yale University professor is openly questioning academia’s unwavering allegiance to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.


David Gelernter recently sparked controversy when the Yale alumnus of 1976 published a candid, favorable review of several books dismantling core aspects of Darwin’s theory. The professor of computer science highlighted gaps in the theory of evolution by natural selection, despite its status within academic circles as the bedrock of science’s modern worldview.

Do Believers Need to Meet in Person?

Though most churches have resumed some form of in-person worship, a year and a half of zoom church forced many churchgoers to ask the question, "If we can do church online, do we need to do church in person?" The question has less to do with what we are capable of in our current technological era and more to do with what we believe about the nature and reality of the church. And for many Christians, they can’t tell you why zoom church isn’t the same as the real thing.

Transformation and Cultural Ideology

Every day we are being formed into certain kinds of people. The shows we watch, the music we listen to, the friends we spend time with, and the places we spend our money not only reveal the things we value, but also help us understand the ways we have been formed by our culture and the world around us.

In this episode of Live No Lies, a podcast by John Mark Comer, Pastor Jon Tyson explores how the world has deformed us in ways that do not align with the gospel or life of Christ. He argues that the work of following Jesus is to be reformed and transformed into His image as we cast off the thinking, habits, and beliefs that are not from God.

A New Season and A Great Commision for CU Gloria Law

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer

As members of the student executive team of CU Gloria Law prayed about the vision for the current academic year, each sensed the Lord calling them to focus on evangelism and discipleship. CU Gloria Law is Christian Union’s leadership development ministry at Harvard Law School.

Discovering the Beauty of Hesuchía

By Avery Johnston, Penn ’23

Editor’s note: The following article was reprinted with permission from The Penn Epistle, “a Christian journal at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to sharing the words of Christ’s followers.” The author, Avery Johnston, is a student leader with CU Martus, Christian Union’s leadership development ministry at the University of Pennsylvania.

Online Study Is Fruitful for CU Gloria Students

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer

A group of students with CU Gloria at Harvard University systematically studied the book of Exodus during the summer. 

Newlyweds Thankful for CU Community at Harvard

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer

When it comes to marriage, our modern culture tends to focus on the couple. But for Joshua Walton ’21 and Jessica Edwards ’21 (now Walton), it is the power of living in Christian community that has brought them together, encouraged them, and forged a supportive foundation for their new marriage.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

The last few weeks have been such a blessing for the team here at Brown! The weather continues to cool down, the leaves are beginning to change to familiar autumn hues, and, for the first time in two years, we’ve been able to welcome freshmen to campus. Your faithful support has made it possible for us to greet many of these students face-to-face, hosting them for meals at the Judson Center and grabbing coffee on Thayer Street. Additionally, we’ve been able to connect with a number of sophomores who weren’t in-person last fall. These students desire to be a part of Christian community; they’re eager to pray together, desperate to see the Lord move on campus, and, perhaps more than at any point in recent memory, motivated for the work of evangelism and outreach.

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