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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 13, 2018

Salon with Justin Whitmel Earley

Christian Union New York was delighted to host Justin Whitmel Earley on November 13, 2018, for the first of two salons that he is leading this month. Salons can typically accomodate up to 20 participants. This event was hugely popular, with twenty-five in attendance and many more on the waitlist. Graduate students and professionals gathered to learn about the topic, "Habits of Purpose in an Age of Distraction."

November 13, 2018

Students Encounter The Prodigal God

These insights emerged when students involved with Christian Union’s ministry at the University of Pennsylvania spent a portion of their summer probing The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith, by Tim Keller. In the 2008 book, Keller highlights how Christ provides the answer to lifestyles ensnared by immorality, as well as the hidden traps of hypocritical religiosity.
The parable of the Prodigal Son points to distinct forms of spiritual lostness, one marked by wanton sinfulness and another by self-righteousness, and reveals the lavish grace of God in redeeming them both. These insights emerged when students involved with Christian Union’s ministry at the University of Pennsylvania spent a portion of their summer probing The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith, by Tim Keller. In the 2008 book, Keller highlights how Christ provides the answer to lifestyles ensnared by immorality, as well as the hidden traps of hypocritical religiosity.

November 7, 2018
How to Navigate Conversations About Sexual Identity; Glorious Ruins; A Distinctively Christian Appreciation of the Arts; Christian, What Do You Believe?; The Abundant Life and Greek Life; More Than 4,000 Join The Great Experiment and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his handand marked off the heavens with a span,enclosed the dust of the earth in a measureand weighed the mountains in scalesand the hills in a balance?— Isaiah 40:12

November 5, 2018
Tucker ElseNot long ago, I was looking at some photographs by Tony Fouhse. He is an artist from Ottawa, Canada, and he had an exhibit at an Ottawa gallery depicting drug addicts in his native city. The pictures are striking. Matted hair, wrinkled and tired faces, torn clothing, and stories of pain and loss etched in the addicts’ countenances. And yet something is surprising in nearly all of the portraits: the eyes still gleam. There is still a glimmer of hope in these eyes that have, most assuredly, seen so much despair and brokenness.

November 1, 2018
Whit Hazelton“Whenever God is about to do something truly great, He first sets His people praying!” -- Matthew Henry, 1662-1714For the 31 days of October, more than 4,000 Christians across America joined in a united effort to seek God in an extraordinary way, through prayer, Bible reading, repentance, listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit, evangelism, and a bold step of faith called “The Joshua Challenge.”

October 24, 2018
Last Call for Liberty?; Fewer Sex Partners Means a Happier Marriage; Columbia Ministry Center; The Sum of Your Loves; Eugene Peterson Has Completed His Long Obedience and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  For You are the LORD Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods.— Psalm 97:9

October 22, 2018
By Carol FausnaughtOn Saturday, October 13, 2018, nearly 70 Christian Union leadership, faculty, financial partners, and friends marked a jubilant dedication of the new ministry center at Columbia University in Upper Manhattan. Festivities included a dedication ceremony, brunch, and tours of the new facility.This joyful day was over five years in the making.

October 22, 2018
by Justin Woyak“You are what you love.” Or so claims Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith (in his book by that title).I don’t mean you are the things that you love, but you are the sum of your loves—your actions of loving and desiring.

October 12, 2018

Tailored to Grad Students & Professionals 

"Standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel." Philippians 1:27Christian Union New York will be launching new community groups this fall. Community groups will meet together on weekends to study Scripture, serve the city of New York and encourage one another throughout the year. To learn more, please email us at: CUNewYork@christianunion.org.
October 11, 2018
What Makes a Human, Human?; How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t; Changing Society's Views on 'Hooking Up'; Angels in the Bible: What We Actually Know About Them; 500 Freshmen (And Counting) and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.— Peter 2:11-12

October 8, 2018
Benjamin PascutHow we understand what it means to be human? Benjamin Pascut, PhD, addresses students involved in Harvard College Faith and Action,

October 5, 2018

Christian Union Students Serve in Sorority, Fraternity 

In February, a Cornell fraternity made national headlines for a disturbing hazing incident that awarded points for sexual activity and simultaneously degraded women. Negative press on fraternity and sorority culture is hardly a Cornell-specific phenomenon. It reinforces a long-enduring sentiment that Greek life and high ethical standards are mutually exclusive. However, for Alanna Staffin ’18, David Navadeh ’19, and Chris Arce ’19, that perception is far from the complete picture. They maintain that fraternity life has not drowned their Christian faith; it has grown it.

October 4, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018

New York City, New YorkOver fifty recent graduates and young professionals crowded onto the Manhattan II yacht for a wonderful night of fellowship facilitated by “CU Mingle Bingo” (both an icebreaker and tongue-twister in one), delicious appetizers, and perfect fall weather.

September 30, 2018

Welcoming the Class of 2022

Christian Union’s freshman campaigns at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale are helping to share the Gospel with the Class of 2022 and lay the foundation for significant spiritual growth during college and beyond
[N]either he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.  - 1 Corinthians 3:7Christian Union’s freshman campaigns at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale helped to share the Gospel with the Class of 2022 and laid the foundation for significant spiritual growth during college and beyond.Freshman campaign is the all-out effort to prepare for, pray over, reach out to, invite, welcome in, connect, and care for the newest students arriving at these universities. We are grateful for how God moved through these efforts! Our prayer is that He would use this process to bring freshmen into deeper fellowship with Himself and members of His body.Student leaders and upperclassmen involved in the ministry on each campus, along with Christian Union ministry fellows, held more than 4,000 meetings to get to know students personally and connect them to Christian resources.

September 28, 2018

Penn Senior Hopes to Serve Overseas as a Nurse

A University of Pennsylvania student was so touched by her parents’ missionary service in Kazakhstan that she is gearing up to follow in their footsteps.
A University of Pennsylvania student was so touched by her parents’ missionary service in Kazakhstan that she is gearing up to follow in their footsteps. During her childhood, Abby Burns ’19 watched her father and mother minister in culturally diverse Kazakhstan. Such experiences left a deep imprint upon the nursing major’s heart and ignited a fervor also to venture into mission fields. “It was an incredible opportunity,” said Burns. “It has shaped what I am thinking about and what I am passionate about long term.”

September 27, 2018
Matt Bennett Discusses the Great Experiment on the Eric Metaxas Show; Dignity, Faith, & WorkThe Lion and the Lynx; Honest Self-Examination; He Fed Ten Thousand Orphans with Prayer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead meon level ground!— Psalm 143:10

September 27, 2018

Q and A with George Otis

The Christian Union Cities Conference in New York this summer, George Otis, Jr.  spoke about the great awakenings in the United States and the ensuing socio-economical impact that followed in various cities and communities that were “overwhelmed by the grace and presence of God.” Christian Union: The Magazine recently interviewed him regarding the role of individual and corporate prayer in these outpourings. Otis is the founder and president of the Sentinel Group, a U.S.-based Christian research, media, and training agency “dedicated to helping revival-hungry communities discover the pathway to societal transformation.” Best known as the producer of the award-winning Transformations documentaries − a series that has been viewed by an estimated 250 million people in 175 nations − Otis has also authored six books and is a frequent speaker at international conferences and symposia.

September 26, 2018

Christ, Culture and Clapham:
 A Discussion of Cobelligerency and Creativity to Seek the Common Good

On September 25, 2018, Christian Union hosted its first DC salon, an evening with Mark Rodgers on the theory of social change pursued by William Wilberforce and Hannah More in their efforts to "reform the manners" of late eighteenth-century England.Rodgers is Principal of a company known as the The Clapham Group, which is inspired by the original Clapham Sect, a group made up of Wilberforce, More and like-minded friends. Rodgers discussed how the approach of the original Clapham Sect impacts his work today, and how we ought to engage society should we wish to achieve similar results.

September 26, 2018

Leadership Lecture Series Exhorts Students to Go Deeper

In the spring semester, a group of students with Christian Union at Brown were hungry to learn more about fasting. Justin Doyle, a Christian Union ministry fellow, responded with a message at the ministry’s weekly Anchor leadership lecture series on April 12. Doyle inspired them to fast and pray and go deeper in their relationships with God.  The students were interested in fasting in preparation for a National Day of Prayer event on May 2. “I was excited to hear that students were eager to learn more about this spiritual discipline and put it into practice,” Doyle said.  After the lecture at Anchor, the ministry fellow also wrote a related blog post, “Fasting Is Feasting,” to encourage students to follow through. “Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline designed to help us draw near to the Lord,” Doyle wrote. “Depriving our bodies of food for a period of time has a way of revealing the idols of our hearts, those things that control our loves and desires—money, power, status, sex, image, etc.—and pull us away from our Creator.”

September 25, 2018

Naruke ’20 Enjoys Serving on and off Campus

A Dartmouth College undergraduate is eagerly answering a calling to promote prayer among students and help them connect with vibrant Christians. Naruke ’20 serves as the property manager for the Dartmouth community’s prayer facility, student intern for a thriving local church, and community team leader for Christian Union at Dartmouth. The South Carolina native skillfully juggles those responsibilities despite formidable academic, extracurricular, and work obligations.Boosting the spiritual commitment of collegiate peers is a top priority for Naruke. As a pleasant contrast to Dartmouth’s secular atmosphere, the “Christian community is all the more strong,” she said. Naruke often witnesses dynamic levels of spiritual engagement among students through her role tending to The Prayer Room, an ecumenical hub in downtown Hanover.