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Christian Union: The Magazine
December 2, 2022

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2021 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download Christian Union's Annual Report for the 2021 fiscal year here.

November 28, 2022

CU Ministry Director Delivers Opening Prayer

By Anne Kerhoulas

Christian Union Martus Ministry Director Cory Lotspeich had the honor of delivering the invocation at the University of Pennsylvania’s Veteran’s Day commemoration service. Lotspeich, who is a US Marine Corps veteran, was asked by the University to pray for the gathering and was delighted to be able to serve and represent Christian Union at the event.

November 22, 2022

Faculty Who Disagree With Doctrinal Statement on LGBTQ Relationships Permitted To Teach

By Anne Kerhoulas

While it’s no surprise that universities nationwide reflect current sexual norms within our culture, many have been closely watching the hundreds of Christian colleges and universities as they draw a line in the sand. Will they accept our culture's sexual and gender revolution or will they adhere to biblical sexuality? Will our culture get the final word or will Scripture? 

November 16, 2022

Practicing Intellectual Charity Leads To Productive Conversation

By Anne Kerhoulas

As the holidays approach, many find themselves growing tense at the thought of long meals across from people with whom they are permanently associated but could not disagree more politically, morally, or religiously. As our political climate continues to heat, perhaps we need to think more logically and practically about how to engage with those we disagree with; how we can listen, hear opposing viewpoints, and seek a greater understanding of a person rather than a personal victory in a private debate.  

November 15, 2022

Tim Keller’s New Book Explores The Power and Challenge of Forgiveness

By Anne Kerhoulas

Forgiveness is hard. And for most people, it’s something we don’t do very well or often enough. Tim Keller wants to change that. Focusing on the power of Christ’s forgiveness for us that empowers us to forgive others, Keller invites us to walk faithfully in all that forgiveness is.

November 14, 2022

How Speaking Well Of Others Changes Us


By Liz Thomforde

Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  – Ephesians 4:29

Growing up you may have heard or even used the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” However, we know that this is not true. Words do hurt. In fact, I am sure it would not be hard for you to remember words that hurt or wounded you in a profound way. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  

November 7, 2022

How Discovering Your Purpose Is Different Than Creating It

By Anne Kerhoulas

Discover your calling. Find your passion. Do what you love. Work has become increasingly tuned to self-fulfillment—you will be whole when you land the job for which you were made. But for most people, the high stakes bring anxiety, confusion, and dissatisfaction in their work. 

November 3, 2022

October CU Fire Retreat Elicits Powerful Responses As Holy Spirit Moves in Power


By Chuck Hetzler

“This was my first CU Fire Retreat. It's hard to put into words what I experienced this weekend.  I have been challenged to examine my walk with the Lord, to address areas where I am not walking in obedience. With regard to revival, I have a better understanding as to what is required of us collectively and myself individually.  This is a new beginning for me. I don't think I will ever be the same again. The teachings were the most memorable part for me but our small group discussions and prayer times were also wonderful.”

November 3, 2022

Author Sam Kim Offers Hope In the Midst of Loneliness Epidemic 

By Rev. Dr. Sam Kim 

Rev. Dr. Sam D. Kim is a Harvard-Trained Ethicist and the Co-founder of 180 Church, near Union Square in downtown Manhattan. He was appointed as a research fellow in Global Health and Social Medicine at the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School and part of Harvard catalyst, where he explored the inequities surrounding health, immigration, and social policies. He lives in New York City with his wife Lydia and his two sons, Nathan and Josh. His first book, A Holy Haunting is set for release on April ’23 and is now available for pre-order wherever books are sold. 

Woody Allen once joked that “New York is just like everywhere else, except more so.” New York does have more people, more restaurants, more diversity, and even more pigeons compared to most of the rest of the world. I grew up in uptown Manhattan right on be-slimmer.net, and take it from me, more doesn’t always mean better. New York apartments are so tiny you feel like a sardine living in a can. This is good preparation for the daily commute, when you’re squished into a metal cart twice a day. All New Yorkers know that proximity doesn’t necessarily curate intimacy. 

November 2, 2022

How Jesus Keeps Us Day By Day

By Anne Kerhoulas

In the Christian life, we need Scripture that grounds us firmly in the truth of Christ and our union and communion with him. Hebrews 7:25 is one such verse that roots and establishes us in the unshakeable love of Jesus and his ongoing work of interceding on our behalf. 

November 1, 2022

Global Anglican Fellowship Conference Finds Agreement in Condemning Welby’s Actions

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, a global leader of the Anglican Church, is being called upon to repent in light of his recent appointment of a new Dean of Canterbury. The Dean of Canterbury, who is the lead minister of the Canterbury Cathedral, is in a civil same-sex partnership, causing Anglicans across the globe to call into question Welby’s beliefs and practices as well as his fitness for ministry. 

October 31, 2022
Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you for your partnership and prayers! We have been so encouraged by the ways that our students have been seeking the Lord this semester. There are now five different prayer meetings going on throughout the week with 35-40 students in attendance each week. There are four student-led meetings and one meeting that I lead on Monday mornings focused on revival and renewal at Cornell. At this prayer meeting, several prominent male student leaders from across different campus ministries gather together with me to pray for the week ahead, for every campus ministry, the leaders, upcoming meetings, the local churches and pastors, and for God to pour out His Spirit at Cornell for the awakening and salvation of many souls.

October 31, 2022
Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. — Hebrews 10:19-22

October 31, 2022
Dear CU Nova Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

In Malachi 3:10, the Lord says, “Test me in this . . . and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it!”

October 31, 2022
Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Penn! Hope this finds you well.

I’m excited to say that we have 13 Bible courses running. Students are finding community, digging into the scriptures, and growing in their faith. I’ve also talked with several freshmen that are enjoying and being encouraged and challenged in their Bible courses. Many of them are also enjoying the relational bonds within their Bible course.

October 31, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We have much to thank God for since we last wrote to you. Our family has grown!

When we hear our beloved freshmen say that the “CU Lux community feels like it is a home away from home,” our hearts are warmed.

What does home at CU Lux look like?

October 25, 2022

Misunderstanding the Christian Vocation of Celibacy

By Anne Kerhoulas

Our culture idolizes romantic relationships. For many, finding love, their soulmate, or the person who completes them is the primary mission of their lives. While Christianity rebuffs this idolatry, rightly situating romantic love as a gift of God given to bring him glory, a small but growing group of Christians is choosing to live a celibate life. 

October 24, 2022

Four Respected Leaders Explain The View

By Anne Kerhoulas

What is complementarianism and why is it important? This question is at the heart of this 2021 Gospel Coalition Conference discussion between Nancy Guthrie, Ligon Duncan, Melissa Kruger, and Kevin DeYoung. 

October 20, 2022

CU Gloria Law Student Argues For Biblical Precedent of Free Speech

By Jess Tong


The Nature, Purpose, and Manner of Speech 

The Bible reveals the nature of speech as something that belongs to both God and man. The Bible tells us that speech is something God does, for He spoke the world itself into existence.  God speaks to communicate with His people, for He spoke to the prophets, Jesus spoke to people on earth, and God speaks to us now through the Bible and His Holy Spirit. The Bible also tells us about our own speech – that it is something God can control and take away from us, as He did with Zechariah, that words have the “power of life and death,” and that our speech is a reflection of our heart.