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October 26, 2017
Dear partners in the Gospel,

As I write this email, it finally feels like Autumn in Princeton. We are enjoying the cool mornings, warm afternoons and the start of fall foliage. It’s a beautiful time of the year. We are so thankful for your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement as we adjust to the rhythms of the new academic year. We are off to a good start and I’m happy to share with you the following highlights and updates from the past month.

October 26, 2017
Hello from Palo Alto!

We have arrived at the middle of the fall quarter for Stanford, and it has been an incredible first several weeks! Our Freshman Welcome fall kickoff resulted in connecting with a great group of freshman men and women who are exploring God and growing in their faith through the ministries of Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to students at Stanford.

October 26, 2017
Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We could not do what we do without you lifting us up in prayer. Thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming!

October 26, 2017

As always, thank you for your partnership in the gospel ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS). Your support continues to encourage us and our students as we press on to see the gospel advance throughout the HLS campus and beyond.

As I write to you, we are more than halfway through the fall semester. Our Bible Courses and mentor meetings continue to bear fruit each week as the word of Christ dwells more and more richly in our students. We are always looking for ways to bring specific encouragement to our students as they begin to think about integrating the Christian faith and the law, so we have started a series called “FAITH in Practice” that brings in lawyers to share how they have practiced law in a way that pleases the Lord. Also, we are planning another series called “FAITH Talks” that will address the core doctrines of the faith in ways that will help our students apply the biblical worldview to their studies and work.

September 21, 2017

The past few weeks have been packed with events to welcome in the freshmen class of 2021. Our upperclassmen “freshmen gatherers” have done a fantastic job inviting and bringing freshmen (’21s) to our events and encouraging them to get involved in a Bible course. We are pleased with the number of '21s who are looking for Christian community and desire to be in a Bible course. We hit the ground running with Bible courses this week, jumping right into Philippians for our quick 8-week term. 

September 15, 2017

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel ministry at HLS. Your prayers are a significant part of how God is accomplishing his purposes on this campus and beyond.

We are a few weeks into the fall semester. All of the 2L’s and 3L’s have returned, and the 1L’s are becoming convinced that they will not only survive but begin to thrive amidst the intensity and intellectual rigor that is HLS. Coram Deo Law has begun its men’s and women’s Bible Courses on Philippians, focusing on the example and power of Christ for living in a manner worthy of the gospel. Also, we are beginning our weekly lunch discussions that make sense of trending legal issues from a biblical worldview.

September 12, 2017
Greetings from Palo Alto!

The incoming freshman class just arrived at Stanford on September 19th! Christian students across campus are pulling out all the stops to welcome these freshmen to Stanford and to the various Christian groups on campus. For many of these freshman, they will either get plugged into Christian community during the first few weeks of college, or they won’t at all during their four years here. These weeks are a pivotal time in their lives!

September 10, 2017
Dear friends,

We are grateful for your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement during these weeks as we launch into a new and exciting season of ministry on the campus of Princeton University.  Even as I write this report, we are concluding our first full week of ministry with classes in session. I’m happy to share with you the following highlights from the past month.

September 4, 2017

Dear friends and family of HCFA,

I hope your summer has been warm and restful. At Harvard we are already a few weeks into the semester and the Lord is at work!

August 24, 2017

We are wrapping up another sophomore summer and have enjoyed getting to focus on just the ’19’s class for these past few months.

There are a few highlights from the summer, including a 4th of July picnic, which turned out to be a beautiful day for grilling out and playing volleyball, a welcome break from studying for the students. We also led a weekly book discussion on the book You Are What You Love, The Spiritual Power of Habit, by James K. A. Smith, which turned out to be a wonderful tool to discuss spiritual disciplines and how to train our hearts to love the right things.

August 24, 2017
The HLS campus is bustling with new and returning students. They anticipate great things this year and already envision greater accomplishments beyond law school. And this energy will bring both great excitement among the students and even greater expectations to perform at a high level and make the most of their HLS opportunity.

July 27, 2017
Dear Prayer Partners,

It's hard to believe that the summer is nearly over and our staff conference is right around the corner!

We're delighted to announce the addition of Michael Racine, a Brown and Yale alumnus, to our staff as men's ministry fellow. We now have a "complete" team and couldn't be more hopeful about how God will use Christian Union at Yale this coming year.

July 27, 2017
Summer greetings from the Bay Area!

The students and team in Palo Alto are in the middle of our summer rhythms, enjoying a slightly different pace and landscape. While this is a great time to refresh, we also expect God to continue His work in the lives of our students while they are away from the demands of school.

July 27, 2017
Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for your prayers! Our first year welcoming campaign is winding down and we have been so encouraged by the depth of faith of some students as well as the openness to the gospel of others.

July 27, 2017

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

Another academic year is just weeks away at Harvard Law School. But this one is a bit different. HLS is celebrating its Bicentennial: 200 years of producing some of the most significant leaders of this country. This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation that God used to spread his gospel across the world. And Christian Union is celebrating 15 years of God’s grace and the transforming power of the gospel at the most strategic universities in America.

June 30, 2017
Greetings from Princeton!

My name is James Fields and it is with great joy and humility that I bring you greetings as Christian Union’s Interim Ministry Director at Princeton University. If my name sounds familiar, it is because I have been working as a ministry fellow at Princeton University for the past four years. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Princeton community, at-large, and the students & staff at Princeton, specifically, by assuming this new role.  

June 30, 2017
Greetings from Palo Alto!

Summer starts late for Stanford students, but it is finally here. Our pace of life will be a bit different between now and September 19 when the incoming freshman arrive on campus. Please pray that the intervening months are refreshing and productive for us!

June 13, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.
June 13, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.
June 13, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.