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July 26, 2018
Dear friends of Christian Union at Cornell,

Summer casts students far and wide, while a handful remain on campus to conduct research or fill in a class or two. Irrespective of their specific job or responsibility this summer, we’re thankful that they belong to Christ and that he holds them fast.

July 26, 2018

Hello from Dartmouth,

There’s not too much to report from here. We as staff have been taking turns going on vacation, which has been good for the soul. We are excited to be back together to start brainstorming and dreaming about this next year.

July 26, 2018
Hello, prayer partners.

Thank you for remembering us and the Lord’s work here in your prayers. And to inform your prayers, I want to give you a few updates.

July 26, 2018

Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who had received the five/two talents came forward, bringing five/two talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five/two talents; here, I have made five/two talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’Matthew 25:19-23

Dear Friends and Family of HCFA,

Imbedded in the parables surrounding Jesus’ teaching concerning His return and the final judgment (Matthew 24 & 25) lies a verdict that far surpasses any report card, performance review or earthly accomplishment we could obtain or imagine: Well done, good and faithful servant.

July 26, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I am writing you, it is a beautiful summer day here in Princeton. As you might expect, our ministry schedule looks somewhat different during the summer months. As a ministry staff, we take this opportunity to continue building relationships with students and also to prepare and recharge for next year. In this letter, I want to specifically highlight several of our summer initiatives and ask for your prayers for those initiatives which are still ongoing.

July 26, 2018
Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

We are two-thirds of the way through the summer, Philadelphia has experienced a heatwave and the summer Bible course discussion on Tim Keller’s The Prodigal God has come to a fruitful close. Vacationing and visiting the sites of some early churches in Turkey were rejuvenating (a ten year wedding promise fulfilled by God’s provision). Professional development has been positively challenging (more below). Working remotely the last few weeks have increased the value of an assortment of Starbucks. I miss Tucker, Kelly and Mae, the Penn team.

July 26, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

We are so grateful for your prayers always. This past Sunday, I was reminded of a profound truth in Hebrews 7:25 — “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Jesus Christ, who is alive at the Father’s right hand is himself praying for us. He maintains a fervent and faithful prayer watch, talking to the Almighty Father on our behalf who is able to do anything. Thank you for the prayers you lift up to the living Savior concerning us, our students, and our campus.

July 26, 2018
Grace and peace from Palo Alto!

As we settle into different rhythms for the summer, I reflect on our students spread around the world: New York City, Dominican Republic, Kenya, India, among other locales. It is encouraging to think of these students being challenged in so many ways, exploring their faith in new contexts, sharing the hope of Jesus with others. Yet we also miss the daily interaction with our Christian Union students and look forward to reconnecting in a couple of months.

June 14, 2018

The summertime is in full swing here at Columbia and our ministry staff is already hard at work preparing for the fall semester. Please join us in prayer for the following:

We are planning for our annual pre-retreat in August. The pre-retreat is a great opportunity for students to spiritually recalibrate after a long summer and build greater community with each other right before the hustle of the semester begins. Please pray that we can recruit many of our students to attend.

June 14, 2018


It’s June and nearly all our students have left Brown’s campus, including our first-ever graduating class. As I’ve said in past prayer emails, this senior class that has just graduated was the first class of Brown students that Matt Woodard, Ministry Director, and I gathered together in the fall of 2014. In those first few months of their freshman year, these students trusted God with a vision of a community that was yet to be formed. They risked their time, energy and resources to gather friends for Bible Courses, retreats, campus outreach events and so much more. And you know what? God rewarded their faith. Over the course of their four years at Brown, God used these students to form a Christ-centered community on campus to help encourage Christian students while also witnessing to the hope of the gospel to the wider Brown community. If it weren’t for these students, these recently graduated seniors, and their love for Jesus and others, we definitely wouldn’t be the ministry we are today. Praise be to God for these young men and women that He so faithfully raised up for such a time as this!

June 14, 2018
Dear friends of Christian Union at Cornell,

Where has the time gone?

The school year has ended, our seniors have graduated, and summer is here. God’s grace to his beloved, thankfully, remains the same. Our Lord Jesus Christ reigns now as much as he reigned throughout the school year, whether that’s here in Ithaca, in San Francisco, in Johannesburg, or in Uganda.

June 14, 2018

Greetings from Dartmouth,

Yesterday was a beautiful day to watch our seniors (‘18s) walk across the stage and graduate from Dartmouth. The ‘18s were freshmen when I first started with Christian Union (CU), so it has been an especially nostalgic couple of weeks as we all prepared for them to flee the CU nest into the “real world.”

June 14, 2018
Hello prayer partners.

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a June update to inform your prayers.

June 14, 2018

Beloved prayer partners,

Thank you so much for your prayers and your various offerings of love this year. The summer is upon us and everyone is more buoyant, even if pollen and other allergens sometimes trigger more sneezing than usual. Please pray for us as we seek to find rest at various points throughout the summer.

June 14, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I am writing you this letter, Princeton’s reunions and graduation ceremonies have just taken place. It has been an eventful few days as we have connected with alumni and friends of our ministry and watched our seniors graduate. Both reunions and graduation prompted me—and others, I’m sure—to reflect on what this ministry means and has meant to so many. As always, thank you for your prayers and financial support which makes our ministry possible!

June 14, 2018
Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Another academic year at the University of Pennsylvania is complete, and our ministry was blessed to see our 2nd graduating class of CU at Penn. To celebrate, we enjoyed a pre-graduation ceremony retreat to the Jersey Shore with 10 of our grads in May. It is bittersweet to see them go: some to New York City, some to graduate school and one to the mission field. We will miss them.

June 14, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

As the last month came to a close, we bid farewell (and happy birthday) to Jason Entgelmeier, who after serving as the student president of Christian Union at Yale, graduated in 2017 and then worked with us as a Ministry Intern this past year. All of us on the team here love Jason dearly, and we invite you to join us in thanking God for the manifold ways He has poured into Jason and continues to form him as a Christ-like, gifted young man, and also for the exemplary work Jason has done here on campus while walking with God's Spirit. Please join us also in praying for Jason as he discerns his next steps while working back home in Kansas over the summer.

June 14, 2018
Greetings from Palo Alto!

Students at Stanford have just finished their spring quarter exams and are beginning their summer adventures of internships, volunteering, travel, time with friends and family and more. Please pray for these more than 18,000 students, that God would make himself known to them through his word, through the world he has made, and through the body of Christ!

June 14, 2018

HCFA is an organization staffed and resourced by Christian Union

Click here to read the Harvard Recognition Blog. The blog includes links to articles regarding the exact status of HCFA and articles related to the situation.
May 24, 2018
Dear friends of Christian Union at Cornell,

Spring has arrived in Ithaca! While winter, too, is a gift from the Lord, spring is a wonderful reminder of the new life that is ours in Christ. Praise Him for the provision of a Savior who has accomplished everything we need for our salvation, to His glory.