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February 2, 2017
Hello from rainy Palo Alto!

A student who’s been an engaged member of our freshman guys Bible course, and whom I’ve been privileged to meet and pray with regularly, recently said to me, “God is powerfully at work in my life, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.” This is from a student who experienced real challenges, both academic and personal, the second half of the fall quarter, but who by God’s grace has come back to Stanford this winter quarter with a renewed zeal for God’s word, prayer, and meaningful community with other Christians. Praise God for his work! Also, praise God for all He is doing in the lives of each student we have the opportunity to serve.

February 1, 2017

Dear Prayer Partners,

It’s hard to believe we’re already in week 7 of the term, with only 3 more weeks to go. The time has flown by quickly, but much has happened to make this term a very memorable one. There have been some ups and downs within the ministry as well as at Dartmouth. Please join us in praying for these requests:

February 1, 2017

Dear Friends and Partners of Penn,

The second semester is in full swing and the students are now preparing for mid-term exams this week and next. Incredibly, spring break is a mere 3 weeks away, and both students and Ministry Fellows are ready for a break.

January 30, 2017

Dear prayer partners,

We are well on our way into winter term and started off strong with our winter conference at Singing Hills Retreat Center. We were so pleased with the number of students who came, especially since we had so many freshmen (‘20s) and seniors (‘17s). As hoped, it was a restful time for the students, of hearing the word, spending time together in prayer, and connecting with new people in the ministry.

January 30, 2017
Hello from beautiful Palo Alto!

Winter Quarter is in full swing as Stanford students bear down for what typically is the heaviest course load of the academic year. Out from that lively rhythm we are calling our emerging group of freshmen to press in deeper with God and with one another as Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to the students at Stanford -- continues its first year. One of those freshmen, Isaiah, shares his experience so far:

January 30, 2017

Dear Prayer Partners,

Happy new year! Since you last heard from us, we’ve had time away from work with family to celebrate the Lord’s incarnation (what’s better than a Sunday Christmas?!) and spent time with all Christian Union faculty at our winter staff conference, pressing into the Lord in prayer for our campuses and nation. We are so grateful to minister at Yale with Christian Union and thank you for your partnership in this ministry!

January 27, 2017

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

With the arrival of winter in New England, the nights are longer and the periods of daylight shorter.  Cooler temperatures mean more inside activities as student’s retreat to the Harvard Law School lobby with its glowing fireplaces and well-lit interior – a perfect place to study and prepare on a cold winter night.

January 25, 2017
Dear friends and ministry partners,

As you read this report, the Princeton ministry faculty, as well as around 150 Princeton undergraduate students, will be away at Camp of the Woods in Speculator, New York, for the annual “Ski Safari” winter trip.  We are thrilled with the response we have gotten from students for this trip, and are excited that many students who do not yet know Jesus as Savior and Lord will be joining us as well.

January 15, 2017


I pray you had a blessed Christmas and New Year as you celebrated with family and friends. As we, the Christian Union ministry staff at Brown University, enjoyed hosting out-of-town family and enjoying the normal seasonal celebrations, all has been pretty quiet on campus. All this will be changing now as students have just returned to campus and began classes on Wednesday. Given that students have just returned, I don’t have much to share, but I would ask that you pray for this upcoming semester.

January 15, 2017

To our friends and partners in the Gospel,

It is a new year and with it comes many new opportunities for our God to do a new thing on campus at Penn. This past semester saw the creation of a new Christian journal at Penn, Locust Walk, and we are excited to see many of our students take on roles as writers and staff to bring this space for dialogue to the campus.

December 30, 2016

Dear Prayer Partners,

As you may well know, Hanover is extremely quiet this time of year, since the vast majority of students are home for their longest break of the year. It has been a good time for us as staff to begin thinking and preparing for a new term with returning students, many of whom we have not seen in months due to off-terms, as well as new Bible Courses.

December 30, 2016

Dear HCFA friends and family,

Merry Christmas! I hope this season of Advent has been one of remembering and waiting upon our God who draws near to us in Christ. We are winding down here at Harvard, students are in finals and are beginning to disappear from campus. Since December is largely a quiet month in our activity with HCFA, I would love for you to join in prayer with us in these ways.

December 30, 2016
Dear friends,

We have had a great inaugural quarter here as Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to students at Stanford -- launched its first West Coast campus! There is much to be thankful for this Christmas season, and we look forward to our continued partnership in what God is doing on this campus.

December 30, 2016

Dear Prayer Partners,

Happy Christmas!! It is amazing to think that another year, by God’s grace, has come and gone. As we bid farewell to our students, our ministry staff here at Yale have also undergone significant transition: this month we bid Chris Matthews, our founding ministry director, and his family farewell after 6.5 years at Yale.

December 27, 2016

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

As the Fall 2016 semester winds down, students are engaged in completion of their final exams.  Based upon a high, middle, or low pass model, exams weigh heavily in the final grade students receive for their academic efforts.  Students who hope to become professors feel even greater pressure to secure a high level of performance evaluation critical to future employment opportunities.

December 25, 2016
Dear Friends and Partners,

As we draw near to the end of 2016, we pause to give thanks and praise to God for his goodness and grace to us during these past months – particularly in our gospel ministry here on the campus of Princeton University.  Allow me to share a few highlights from the fall months, as well as a few ways that you can be praying for our ministry in the month ahead.

December 15, 2016


It’s hard to believe, but we’re already at the end of the semester here at Brown! These past few months have flown by as God has continued to work in the lives of so many students. Through our study of Mark’s Gospel, students have given serious thought to what it means to truly follow after Christ. Our weekly large-group gathering, The Anchor, has fostered space for healthy, Christ-centered dialogue on the topics of sexuality, politics, race and mental health – complex issues with which students at Brown are constantly wrestling and seeking to navigate as faithfully obedient and thoughtful Christians.

December 15, 2016

To our friends and partners in the Gospel,

This month here at Christian Union at Penn we have seen great growth and leadership amongst our students. It has been a sprint coming off Thanksgiving Break. These compact weeks have challenged students to find balance between finding excellence in their academics, while also working to keep a positive and effective testimony for Christ. They strive to see and live out God’s will while being saturated with worldly expectations. God has shown to be faithful through miraculous moments of encouragement and exhortation; we are very thankful!

December 3, 2016
Dear partners in prayer for Cornell,

As we reflect upon the completed semester, we echo Zechariah’s prayer this Christmas season:
Because of our God’s tender mercy
the dawn will break upon us from on high
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Despite the shortened daylight hours, God’s light has indeed broken over Cornell this semester. We have witnessed countless tender mercies and divine guidance distinguish so many students’ lives as they responded to the news of the election, to racial tensions, not to mention personal challenges through relationship breakups, preliminary examinations, labs, group projects, sports competitions, illness and finals.

November 30, 2016

Dear Friends,

Reflecting on the winter term that is coming to a close, we truly have much to be thankful for. Our Thanksgiving dinner last weekend was a huge success, bringing in over 130 students, including several who have not been involved in Christian Union. Since then, we have had a few inquiries on how to get involved in a Bible Course for the winter. The freshmen (‘20s) did a fantastic job leading the event. They worked hard on the fall decorations and the program for the night, which consisted of music, worship songs, 2 testimonies and some delicious food. There was even entertainment during the meal, provided by one ’20 who is extremely talented at card tricks. Overall, it was a wonderful night of fellowship and thanksgiving. We so appreciate your prayers for this event!