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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 8, 2014

Harvard Alumnus Embraces Christian Union's Holistic Approach

by Sarah Camp, Contributing EditorFor Harvard alumnus Tony Cimmarrusti and his wife Martha, supporting causes they care about is an endeavor to model the love of Christ, and it is something that "is a major fabric in the life of our family."Cimmarrusti (Harvard '81, HBS '86) is CEO and co-founder, with Bryce Gray, of Majestic Capital Management. In a dynamic, wide-ranging career, he has worked on Wall Street and at the Chicago Board of Trade; developed real estate; led numerous family offices; and served as CIO for the Majesty Fund since 1995. He explains how he and his wife discern which charitable organizations to support,

November 8, 2014

California's De-Recognition of InterVarsity Raises Concerns

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterCampus ministries are facing a mounting series of equal-access challenges from colleges across the nation.Among the action, California's public university system recently denied recognition to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship because it requires student leaders to observe Christian beliefs.In September, the California State University ended recognition for InterVarsity's chapters because they mandate student leaders to adhere to Christian doctrine."This could be the tipping point of other university systems moving in this direction, so that's why we are concerned," said Alec Hill, president of InterVarsity, in an article for Christianity Today. "It's as if the First Amendment now protects Greeks, but not religious folks, which is Alice in Wonderland stuff."

November 8, 2014

Scholar Sheds Light on Campus Hookup Culture

By Luke Foster, Columbia '15The first few weeks of classes are always an overwhelming time for new students on Ivy League campuses. The pace and pressures begin to mount; stress increases, if anything, faster than the workload. And these first weeks are also a proving ground for the moral and spiritual decisions that shape college experiences and lives to come. The party and hookup culture plays a major role. It's easy to think that hooking up is the only way to have fun, and many students from Christian backgrounds turn away from their faith to follow a seductive path.At Columbia, the dark underbelly of the hookup culture has been vividly highlighted in recent weeks.

November 8, 2014

Edifying, Serving the Body of Christ 

by Dr. Craig S. KeenerPaul declares that we are the body of Christ with many members. He then elaborates on some of the varied gifts God has graciously given us to serve the rest of Christ's body. Because Paul is simply offering samples, he provides several different lists that include a variety of ministries. These gifts for helping the other members in Christ's body include such diverse ministries as giving, teaching, prophesying, speaking wisely, healings, worship leading, and evangelism (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:8-10, 28-30; 14:26; Eph. 4:11).Paul nowhere distinguishes between what we might call supernatural and potentially natural gifts.

November 8, 2014

Princeton Ministry Fellow Leads Missions Trip

by Eileen Scott, Senior WriterA former basketball coach for an elite high school program, James Fields approaches ministry with the same intensity, helping university students achieve victory through Christ.Case in point was a missions trip to Mawanga, Uganda, sponsored by Christian Union this summer. Fields, a Christian Union ministry fellow at Princeton, and Asha Garretson, a Christian Union ministry fellow at Cornell, led the missions team, which was comprised of six students from Cornell, Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth.

November 8, 2014

‘Life in the Spirit and Life of the Mind’

Christian Union: The Magazine recently interviewed Quincy Watkins, pastor of the Neighborhood Church in greater Philadelphia, on the topic of spiritual gifts. Rev. Watkins previously served with Christian Union as a ministry fellow and worked at McKinsey & Company after earning an MBA ('95) in business at The Wharton School.CU: How did you become a Christian and when did you embrace spiritual gifts?QW: At the age of 15, I became a Christian in a small Pentecostal church. My first experience with spiritual gifts (at the age of 16) was both powerful and overwhelming. After an intense season of fasting and prayer, I experienced many visions and prophetic words about people and their circumstances. Over the years, I've learned how to harness and cultivate my spiritual gifts. I still have so much to learn. I'm humbled that God would use someone like me.

November 6, 2014
"It is good to give thanks to the LORD to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night." — Psalm 92:1 God Himself is Our Rest By Matt Bennett From ChristianUnion.org In a hurried world, almost nothing is more precious than genuine rest. We long to have anxieties lifted, comfort provided, peace restored, and joy in abundance. God provides rest for the Christian who... Read more or watch the video (4:29) here >   Transformation at Harvard A Video Update (5:21) From ChristianUnion.org Harvard's original motto was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, or Truth for Christ and the Church. While Harvard has drifted from her spiritual heritage and become highly secular, God is still at work. He is stirring up the hearts of Harvard students. Watch this video update (5:21) on what God has been doing in students' lives at Harvard through the ministry of Christian Union.

October 28, 2014

Harvard Law Students Probe Sociologist's Acclaimed Book

by Catherine Elvy, Staff WriterChristians are called to reflect their faith in all spheres of life.That was one of the themes explored by students involved with Christian Union's ministry at Harvard Law School as they gathered online during the summer to explore and debate sociologist James Davison Hunter's To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World."We have an opportunity to bring the Church to a place of impact, and we should think long and hard about the ways we can best do that," said Austin Steelman, Harvard Law '16.

October 22, 2014
Dear Friends, God is moving in extraordinary ways to develop Christian leaders of wholehearted devotion to Him. Christian Union was founded in 2002 to transform our nation and world by developing and connecting bold Christian leaders. In each issue of Christian Union News, we hope you will find reason to be deeply encouraged as well as reason to seek God and to grow in his grace and love. "Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord!" — Psalm 134 Trickle Down Culture By Eric MetaxasHosted at ChristianUnion.org Does God want us to change the world? And if so, how? If you're in a hurry, let me cut to the chase: a.) yes — and... b.) by doing what the Clapham Circle did: proving their faith through works, mostly among the poor and powerless, and working among the rich and powerful. There's a little more to it, but if you must run, there's the nuance-free answer which, like a sack lunch, you may take with you. If you can stay, I'll begin by telling you about...Read More >   Religion & Democracy By Clay ChristensenProfessor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School In this short video, watch as Clay Christenson from the Harvard Business School explains why religion is crucial for a successful democratic form of government. (1:39)Watch the Video Now >   The Danger of Not Recognizing Campus Religious Groups By Karen Swallow PriorTheAtlantic.com This fall, California State University revoked the official club status of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship groups across its 23 campuses. InterVarsity was founded in 1938 and hosts nearly 1,000 chapters across the country today; it allows any student to be a member, but requires its leaders to affirm its "doctrinal basis," which includes belief in the Bible's "trustworthiness." This statement has led some chapters to... Read More >   Leading and Learning By Eileen ScottSenior Writer, Christian Union: The Magazine From Africa to Ithaca, Nicole Mensa, Cornell '17, is serving people and sharing the message of God's love and compassion. A native of Ghana, Nicole came to Cornell for a top-flight education and to experience another culture; because of her participation with Christian Union's leadership development ministry at Cornell, she is also growing in her knowledge of the Bible and...Read More >
October 8, 2014
The Christian Union eNewsletter Dear Friends, God is moving in extraordinary ways to develop Christian leaders of wholehearted devotion to Him. Christian Union was founded in 2002 to transform our nation and world by developing and connecting bold Christian leaders. In this issue, you will find reason to be deeply encouraged as well as reason to seek God and to grow in his grace and love. Welcome to Christian Union's eNewsletter. "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." — Habakkuk 2:14    Why Leaders? By Matt Bennett Founder and President, Christian Union Christian Union's vision for changing culture requires reaching an especially influential segment of the US population with the Gospel. The need is profound; the worldview of this unreached people group affects us personally, shaping our economy, government, media, and education. Read more > A Fresh Take on Culture Change By Sarah CampMarketing and Communications Director, Christian Union Within every society there are those positioned by gifting, calling, and circumstance with disproportionate influence over those around them.

October 6, 2014

Christian Leaders Have Always Shared Four Traits Throughout History

As a pastor and author, Dr. Crawford Loritts has witnessed first-hand the widespread disregard for the talents and abilities God bestows on individuals. Why? Because more often than not, lining up God-given gifts with our own desires takes precedence, rather than working to understand His heart, mind, and will. Loritts explains in Four Traits of a Leader:

October 6, 2014

Cornell Alumni Passionate about Christian Leadership Development

For Cornellians Erik and Trasey Codrington, extending the love of Jesus Christ to students in the Ivy League reflects the grace they have received from God themselves. Erik and Trasey met as undergraduates at Cornell in the 1980s, when the university was what they would describe as a "spiritual desert."

October 6, 2014

Cornell Alumni Passionate about Christian Leadership Development

For Cornellians Erik and Trasey Codrington, extending the love of Jesus Christ to students in the Ivy League reflects the grace they have received from God themselves. Erik and Trasey met as undergraduates at Cornell in the 1980s, when the university was what they would describe as a "spiritual desert."

October 3, 2014

by Eric Metaxas

Does God want us to change the world? And if so, how? If you're in a hurry, let me cut to the chase: a.) yes – and...b) by doing what the Clapham Circle did: proving their faith through works, mostly among the poor and powerless, and working among the rich and powerful.There's a little more to it, but if you must run, there's the nuance-free answer which, like a sack lunch, you may take with you.If you can stay, I'll begin by telling you about the night talkshow host Dick Cavett and I went to see Mickey Rooney perform. This is not a joke. 

September 15, 2014
Can There be Good without God? Nate Otey '15 and Corinne Tu '13 Present Case for Necessity of Creator "If we're going to have a discussion on ethics, let's be ethical in giving up our seats and moving forward so that others can sit," exhorted moderator Jordan Monge in Harvard's Science Center Auditorium C. Typically used for large science lecture courses and having a seat capacity of 350, Harvard students of all faith backgrounds (and no faith backgrounds) crowded into the auditorium, leaving it completely filled—including the entirety of the floor space and standing room in the back. It is estimated that 430 people were present at the fall semester debate hosted by Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA)  and Harvard Community Humanists, Atheists, and Agnostics (HCHAA). Harvard College Faith and Action is a leadership development ministry supported and resourced by Christian Union.

September 12, 2014

Though Most People Stick to One Type of Prayer, But Real Fruit Can Be Found in Worship

As we finish up the fourth week of our prayer and fasting initiative, we have an opportunity to consider what we can do to be more effective in our prayer lives. When prayer is divided into its constituent components, five particular elements stand out as necessary for a well-balanced prayer system:

September 2, 2014
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." —Colossians 4:2 Frequent and fervent prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. It is the natural product of genuine faith in God and His promise that He will hear and answer us. Though the practice of prayer is simple enough for a child to perform, prayer is also a complex discipline in which every Christian continues to grow and develop throughout life.

September 2, 2014
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." —Colossians 4:2 Frequent and fervent prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. It is the natural product of genuine faith in God and His promise that He will hear and answer us. Though the practice of prayer is simple enough for a child to perform, prayer is also a complex discipline in which every Christian continues to grow and develop throughout life.

September 1, 2014

Christian Union Commissions Leadership Team 

By Tom Campisi, Managing EditorEarly this summer, Christian Union introduced the faculty for its new leadership development ministry at Brown University.Christian Union's strategic focus on high-achieving students at universities like Brown requires a curriculum and faculty suitable for men and women of exceptional intellectual caliber. And Matt Woodard (pictured, left) and Justin Doyle—with seminary degrees and real-world work experience—exemplify this high standard for ministry faculty.

September 1, 2014

Nicole Mensa, Cornell '17, Founder of Non Profit in Ghana

by Eileen Scott, Senior WriterFrom Africa to Ithaca, Nicole Mensa, Cornell '17, is serving people and sharing the message of God's love and compassion.A native of Ghana, Nicole came to Cornell for a top-flight education and to experience another culture; because of her participation with Christian Union's leadership development ministry at Cornell, she is also growing in her knowledge of the Bible and passion for the Lord.