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Please pray for Christian Union's ministry at Brown.


It’s hard to believe, but we’re already at the end of the semester here at Brown! These past few months have flown by as God has continued to work in the lives of so many students. Through our study of Mark’s Gospel, students have given serious thought to what it means to truly follow after Christ. Our weekly large-group gathering, The Anchor, has fostered space for healthy, Christ-centered dialogue on the topics of sexuality, politics, race and mental health – complex issues with which students at Brown are constantly wrestling and seeking to navigate as faithfully obedient and thoughtful Christians.


Freshmen Welcoming Campaign may be over, but God’s work in and through Christian Union at Brown University is in full swing! Since last I wrote to you, we — the Christian Union faculty at Brown (Matt Woodard, Ministry Director; Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow; Justin Doyle, Ministry Fellow) and student leaders — have concluded our month-long Freshmen Welcoming Campaign with our annual Fall Retreat.


We are back into the swing of things here at Brown as our Freshmen Welcoming Campaign is underway. Students made their way back to campus at the beginning of September and the craziness of serving and loving them in the name of Jesus has not stopped since then. It has been a crazy and fun ride thus far!