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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 18, 2022

CU New York Hosts Transformative Retreats, Conferences, and Salons

Christian Union Fire is rapidly spreading, especially in New York City; Karen Hetzler, assistant ministry director of Christian Union New York, said CU Fire retreats are impacting alumni of influential universities and other Christian professionals in the Big Apple by drawing them closer to the Lord and increasing their desire to fast, pray, repent of sins, and live out a seeking God lifestyle.

February 17, 2022

Flynn Cratty Speaks at CU Gloria Lecture Series

“Harvard is a place of extraordinary achievement, but not always true flourishing.”

February 15, 2022

Aimee Joseph Presents a Biblical Paradigm

Decisions, decisions, decisions. We live in an era in which we have more choices than ever before. From which restaurant to visit, to what preschool is best for our kids, to which college degree we should pursue—we have never been more inundated with choices. 

February 11, 2022

CU Lumine Provides Treats, Answers Questions about Christianity

“Does belief in Christianity work with belief in evolution?” “Will God ever forgive me?” “How can you say there’s only one true faith?” These are a sampling of the questions submitted by Columbia students when Christian Union Lumine hosted its Message Me for Macarons outreach in December. After publicizing the event, students with CU Lumine delivered the macarons and answered questions via text messaging, all while earnestly praying.

February 10, 2022

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness..."

Editor’s note: The following article was part of a series of prayer devotionals for one of Christian Union Day and Night’s 2021 national fasts.

February 7, 2022

How Can Christians Bear Faithful Witness?

As the United States America grows increasingly secular and the Bible is often perceived as offensive in culture, how do Christians think about thoughtfully, strategically, and winsomely sharing the gospel?

February 2, 2022

Robb ’70 Inspires CU Lux with Message of Revival

When Isaiah sees the glory of the Lord, his magnitude and power as just the hem of his garment filled the temple, he fell to his knees saying, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips.” (Isaiah 6)

January 31, 2022

"Jesus Stood Up for Children"

The killing of babies has had a place in our world for centuries. From abandoning newborns with deformities to killing female babies, each culture has had its own reasons for ignoring their personhood and allowing for lives to be discarded. Even today, in nations like India and China, female babies are regularly aborted or killed in favor of males, leaving a drastic gender gap in the population. 

January 28, 2022

Participants Share Powerful Testimonies

  God has a word for every nation. That’s why 4,500 American Christians joined Christian Union Day and Night’s fourteen-day fast on January 3-16, 2022. 

January 27, 2022

Football Players Huddle Up for Christian Union Bible Course

It is tradition for a group of Princeton football players to kneel in prayer prior to each game. The Tigers emerge from the tunnel and head to the end zone, where they reverently bow their heads.
Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in Fall 2019.   

January 26, 2022

“Don’t Stop Pressing In!”

About a year ago, my mom asked me, “When did it all change for you?” Without thinking, the answer was clear. “When I started to read my Bible every day,” I responded. 

January 21, 2022

Matthew 22 Evangelism Walks Invigorate CU Libertas

Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests. - Matthew 22:8-10

January 18, 2022

Institution Seeks to Foster 'Dynamic Conversations'

In November, a group of notable professors banded together to launch an ambitious project: the founding of a new university that would be built on the constitutional, American right to free speech. Citing academia’s growing problem with cancel culture for both professors and students who dare to voice unpopular opinions, the University of Austin aims to be an institution that fosters dynamic conversations around controversial topics, welcoming and creating a space for argument and dissent from cultural narratives in hopes of retrieving what much of American academia has lost: true freedom of speech. 

January 17, 2022

The Complicated Dynamics of Faith and Works

The relationship between one's faith and the works that flow from that faith has always been complex. Oftentimes, the two seem to create one of the many paradoxes of faith; we are saved by our faith alone, not our works, and yet our works demonstrate our faith and we must have them.

January 14, 2022

Alumna Recalls the Discipleship, Community, and Leadership Development she Experienced at Columbia 

As soon as I set foot on campus as a first-year at Columbia, I felt out of place. I yearned for Christian community minutes after my parents left me to fly back to Texas. Thankfully, by God’s grace, Christian Union Lumine existed. 

January 13, 2022

Q and A with Professor David Gustafson

Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in the Fall 2018 edition of Christian Union: The Magazine.

January 12, 2022

Twelve Things You Need to Know About the Third Person of the Trinity

In the fall semester, Fady Ghobrial, a Christian Union ministry fellow at Harvard University, challenged students to go deeper in their faith when he delivered a message about the Holy Spirit during DOXA, Christian Union Gloria’s Leadership Lecture Series. Ghobrial’s lecture, “Twelve Things You Need to Know About the Holy Spirit,” covered thematic threads through scripture, church history, and systematic theology, and was followed by a question and answer session that unpacked even more teaching about the Holy Spirit. Below is a summary and highlights of the twelve points:

January 11, 2022

A Podcast on Faith + Work  

Though American Christians once lived in a culture that was infused with Christian morals and understandings of reality, American culture today is the least Christian our nation has ever seen, forcing believers and the Church to reconsider how they might embody and share the Gospel in their unique spheres of influence.

January 5, 2022

From New Releases to Classics

Everyone needs a good book on hand. To help you decide where to start in the new year, Christian Union ministry faculty and staff have put together a recommended booklist for 2022. Ranging from new releases to old classics, there is sure to be something that will bless and challenge you this year. Take a look! 

January 5, 2022

"Resolutions Don’t Honor the Way Change Usually Happens"

We are just about two weeks into 2022—how is your new year’s resolution going? For some, it might be thriving—a necessary and welcome change in your life—but for most, the sparkle of resolutions on January 1 quickly dim as we head back to work and into a new year of the same challenges.