As the chair of our new Christian Union New York board recently put it, our intercession is like a battering ram that pounds on the doors of the kingdom of darkness until they are breached. There is a great battle around the world, as we all currently witness, and in New York City where we are called to stand in the evil day and pray! The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. -James 5:16
We continue to give thanks for our partners who, through their prayers and financial support, make the work here at Brown possible. We are rapidly approaching mid-semester in the academic calendar and students will be enjoying spring break later this month.
Greetings from New York City!
We praise God for partners like you who are supporting the work He is doing through Christian Union Lumine at Columbia. The students have reached the halfway point of the semester and will be facing midterms soon!
“You stayed up late to finish a paper so now you’re relying on caffeine to make it through the day. You’re stressed but professors keep piling on the schoolwork. Like some mutant academic hydra, every time you cut down an assignment, two more grow in its place.” These are the opening lines to an article by Andy Cimbala published recently on The Gospel Coalition website. This is a great encapsulation of how most Dartmouth students are feeling. The winter term is ending which means that finals, spring break plans, internship applications, and more are on the minds of our students. Burnout and exhaustion are a daily struggle but we are not without hope. Our identity is not rooted in our performance nor our capacity but in God who calls us His sons and daughters. This truth doesn’t make the work disappear, but it does give us the strength to endure. As spring break approaches, join me in thanking God for another term filled with Bible courses, worship, evangelism, discipleship, relationship building, and prayer. Here are two specific requests and a praise:
Students Challenged to Be Salt and Light at 2019 Nexus Conference
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Editor's note: This article, which features coverage of Christian Union's Nexus Conference, originally appeared in the Spring 2019 edition of Christian Union: The Magazine and is reprinted in conjuction with the publication's "Throwback Thursday" series.
Nick Nowalk Focuses on Bible Narrative, Romance, and Marriage
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Have you ever noticed that the Bible begins and ends with a wedding? The creation story of Genesis 1-2 culminates in the marriage covenant between Adam and Eve when God declares that it is not good for man to be alone and how a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife as one flesh. The story of God begins with a wedding, but it also ends in the same fashion as Jesus, the bridegroom, is finally united to his Bride, the Church, in Revelation 21-22.
Christian Union Ministry Director Inspires Football Players
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Noah Crane presented a game plan for life at the Big Green’s pre-season football camp and during fall semester Bible courses.
"If you love me, keep my commandments"
By Fady Ghobrial
Editor’s note: The following devotional was written in conjunction with Christian Union Day and Night’s recent two-week fast: “National Obedience Brings National Revival.”
Esau McCaulley Opines About a True, Biblical Union
In the past fifty years, marriage has become less popular, divorce rates have gone up, and the rise of no-fault divorce laws have introduced an era of the contractual—not covenantal—marriage. What happened to marriage? Is it that our modern sensibilities have finally realized that being joined to one other person for all of life is an unreasonable and impractical idea? Or perhaps, as Esau McCaulley posits in the New York Times, our views of work and personal ambitions have become more important than stable, sacrificial relationships.
CU New York Hosts Transformative Retreats, Conferences, and Salons
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Christian Union Fire is rapidly spreading, especially in New York City; Karen Hetzler, assistant ministry director of Christian Union New York, said CU Fire retreats are impacting alumni of influential universities and other Christian professionals in the Big Apple by drawing them closer to the Lord and increasing their desire to fast, pray, repent of sins, and live out a seeking God lifestyle.