Your prayers for Christian Union New York are bearing so much fruit! Christian Union New York is thrilled to announce to you that after many months in the making, CU New York has established its own Advisory Board! Christian Union as a whole has been operating under the guidance and wisdom of a board for many years. But now, as CU New York continues to expand and solidify the means of accomplishing its mission (including one day expanding into other major cities), Christian Union leadership has determined that it was time to establish this localized board. This board will help advise, multiply the hands and feet, talents, areas of expertise, experience, and networking connections of CU New York.
Greetings from Providence! The spring semester is underway as students began the spring semester on January 26th. Covid continues to wreak havoc in the northeast, especially here in Rhode Island. Fortunately, students will be attending classes in person and we do not anticipate any disruptions to our ministry calendar. It has been so wonderfully refreshing to greet students as they return to campus, and the time spent praying with them has been a blessing.
Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus! I am thankful for your love and partnership with Christian Union Lumine at Columbia University. Because of your committed giving and prayers, we are seeing students’ lives transformed by the gospel.
Greetings from Ithaca! The spring semester is getting underway this week. Our students are once again enduring the realities and restrictions of life with Covid. Group gatherings are currently discouraged and while students are on campus, all classes at Cornell are being taken remotely for the first two weeks of the semester. We are, however, hopeful that things will open up soon. We have been holding weekly CU Vita student leadership meetings via Zoom for the past two weeks, and we will meet again this coming Thursday night. We have been reconnecting and praying together, and fine-tuning our plans for the semester ahead, some of which I will describe in the following prayer requests.
Hello from Hanover! As many of you know, the Dartmouth academic calendar is different than most schools. Winter term classes began on January 4th so we are well underway with life and ministry. The start of a new year and a new term always bring renewed energy and enthusiasm. It’s always a delight to have the campus filled with students and bursting with activity. The rhythms of Bible courses, daily prayer, social events, Leadership Lecture Series, and one-on-one mentorship are well established and are serving to challenge and encourage the students this term. Join me in praying for these items:
Robb ’70 Inspires CU Lux with Message of Revival
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
When Isaiah sees the glory of the Lord, his magnitude and power as just the hem of his garment filled the temple, he fell to his knees saying, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips.” (Isaiah 6)
"Jesus Stood Up for Children"
The killing of babies has had a place in our world for centuries. From abandoning newborns with deformities to killing female babies, each culture has had its own reasons for ignoring their personhood and allowing for lives to be discarded. Even today, in nations like India and China, female babies are regularly aborted or killed in favor of males, leaving a drastic gender gap in the population.
Participants Share Powerful Testimonies
By Chuck Hetzler, Director of CU Day & Night
God has a word for every nation. That’s why 4,500 American Christians joined Christian Union Day and Night’s fourteen-day fast on January 3-16, 2022.
Football Players Huddle Up for Christian Union Bible Course
Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in Fall 2019.
“Don’t Stop Pressing In!”
By Jacob Hawkins, Harvard Kennedy School ’20
About a year ago, my mom asked me, “When did it all change for you?” Without thinking, the answer was clear. “When I started to read my Bible every day,” I responded.