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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 4, 2016
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union On Your Mark

May 3, 2016
Despite it being left out of most secular accounts, Christianity decisively shaped Western Civilization. But Christians have neglected their calling to continue to shape culture. Today, steeped in an egocentric culture that glorifies many forms of sin, it is more critical than ever that Christians hear and follow God’s call to cultivate culture for His glory.

May 3, 2016
In an article from Christian Today, David Robertson expounds on the many contributions Christianity has made to the world, demonstrating that Christianity turned the ancient world upside down and laid the foundation for much of modern Western society, and that Christianity ushers in numerous positive changes in societies around the globe:

May 3, 2016
In a recent publication by the Alliance for Charitable Reform, a project of the The Philanthropy Roundtable, Christian Union was honored to be featured as the philanthropic achievement of the week:

May 2, 2016
The parable of the farmer sowing seeds in chapter 8 of Luke, while one of the more well-known parables, is also a powerful call to self-reflection.  

April 29, 2016
Nexus Conference Networks, Inspires Students and Professionals By Eileen Scott, Senior WriterNexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action explored the convergence of culture, career, and Christianity for 317 students from some of the nation's most influential universities.The Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut, just a couple blocks from Yale University, was home to a weekend of vibrant worship, continuous and intercessory prayer and engaging messages from powerful plenary speakers on April 1-3. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale attended the conference, which offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career.

April 29, 2016
Nexus Conference Networks, Inspires Students and ProfessionalsBy Eileen Scott, Senior WriterNexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action explored the convergence of culture, career, and Christianity for 317 students from some of the nation's most influential universities.The Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut, just a couple blocks from Yale University, was home to a weekend of vibrant worship, continuous and intercessory prayer and engaging messages from powerful plenary speakers on April 1-3. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale attended the conference, which offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career.

April 29, 2016
Hebrews 12:1-2 by Columbia Ministry Director Jim Black Christian Union's Ministry Director at Columbia University, Jim Black, gave this message on Hebrews 12:1-2 during a plenary session at Nexus 2016, the Christian Union Conference on Faith & Action. (42:21)

April 20, 2016
The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

April 12, 2016
Our job as Christians isn't just gospel proclamation - it's culture creation. It's about building up the social and civic structure in communities across the nation through the work that we do. That is integral to culture making and living out God’s calling.

April 8, 2016
What is love? Does love mean supporting someone in doing whatever they feel gives them present satisfaction? Or is love telling someone the truth, even when it’s difficult?

April 7, 2016
Why Culture Matters By Gabe Lyons From Q Ideas People of faith differ on how much concern we should pay to the culture at hand, questioning what good can we really do engaging in a broken world. Can we really make a significant difference? Does God share these concerns? Every generation must answer these questions in the same way creatives, artisans, industry and civic leaders have done for two millennia... Watch Now >

March 24, 2016
Building a thriving culture, whether within a single organization or on a larger societal level, requires time, patience, and serious dedication. A healthy culture is, after all, shaped by its leadership, so those in leadership roles and managerial positions – like it or not – can expect organizational effectiveness to be directly tied to their own values and attitudes.

March 24, 2016
God seeks relationship with those who don’t yet know him. He seeks a deeper union with those who do. As we seek him, we can be confident that he is earnestly seeking us as well. –Leigh McLeroy

March 23, 2016
With all the contestation surrounding religious freedom and difference in beliefs, there are certainly times where we might think that the world would be better without such conflicts, or any differences for that matter. But differences are what enrich our lives, sharpen our minds, and expand our creativity.

March 23, 2016
Technology, Faith, and Human Shortcomings By Billy Graham From TED Talks In a throwback video, Billy Graham speaks at TED in 1998. It is still great today...Watch Now >

March 14, 2016
Students entered the lecture hall to find the chalk boards clear of their typical dizzying array of equations, and instead saw four artists sitting on the raised platform at the front of the room. The event was facilitated by Columbia Faith and Action (CFA), a Christian ministry on Columbia’s campus, and hosted by Columbia College sophomore Migueyli Rivera.

March 14, 2016
With the death of Antonin Gregory Scalia, the nation has lost one of its greatest jurists and a man who embodied the principle of fidelity to the Constitution. Requiescat in pace. –Prof. Robert P. George

March 10, 2016
“If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.” -Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel laureate

March 9, 2016
Where Do Good and Evil Come From? By Peter Kreeft From Prager University A five-minute video by widely respected Boston College professor of philosophy Peter Kreeft exploring various views as to the origins of morality...Watch Now >