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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 13, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.
May 25, 2017
Dear Friends and Family,

As the rhythms of studying and assignments crescendo at the end of the Spring Quarter, our students face the reality that freshmen year has been not just new friends and fun experiences—it’s also a lot of hard work! Through this, we are grateful for the incredible start the Lord has given us this inaugural year with Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to students at Stanford. Our original freshmen guys’ Bible Course is thriving and connecting deeper with one another and with God. Also this quarter, we have launched a women’s Bible Course led by Garrett’s wife, Susan.

February 2, 2017
Hello from rainy Palo Alto!

A student who’s been an engaged member of our freshman guys Bible course, and whom I’ve been privileged to meet and pray with regularly, recently said to me, “God is powerfully at work in my life, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.” This is from a student who experienced real challenges, both academic and personal, the second half of the fall quarter, but who by God’s grace has come back to Stanford this winter quarter with a renewed zeal for God’s word, prayer, and meaningful community with other Christians. Praise God for his work! Also, praise God for all He is doing in the lives of each student we have the opportunity to serve.

January 30, 2017
Hello from beautiful Palo Alto!

Winter Quarter is in full swing as Stanford students bear down for what typically is the heaviest course load of the academic year. Out from that lively rhythm we are calling our emerging group of freshmen to press in deeper with God and with one another as Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to the students at Stanford -- continues its first year. One of those freshmen, Isaiah, shares his experience so far:

December 30, 2016
Dear friends,

We have had a great inaugural quarter here as Christian Union Caritas -- Christian Union's ministry to students at Stanford -- launched its first West Coast campus! There is much to be thankful for this Christmas season, and we look forward to our continued partnership in what God is doing on this campus.

November 30, 2016
Dear friends,

It is exciting to write this inaugural prayer letter! Please praise and thank God along with us for what has happened so far this fall:

September 15, 2012

Serving Students at Stanford University

Marcus Preciado

Christian Union Ministry Director
Bio coming soon.

Justin Woyak

Christian Union Senior Ministry Fellow

Justin.W2018Justin grew up in Pensacola, Florida, and studied Classics at Princeton (where he made some of his lifelong best friends in a Christian Union Bible course!). After graduating from Princeton in 2009, he earned an M.Div. and a Th.M. from Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, where he also taught undergraduate Bible, theology, and Greek courses.

In 2016, Justin and his wife Kate moved to California to help launch Christian Union’s ministry to Stanford students. Justin enjoys golf and pickle ball, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, audiobooks and boardgames, good food and time with his wonderful wife and their four kids—and seeking God!


Susan Brown

Christian Union Ministry Fellow

Susan grew up in California and can’t imagine living anywhere else. She came to faith at an early age and has sought out opportunities to grow and serve Jesus in her church and local community ever since. 

Susan and her late husband, Garrett, the first Ministry Director for CU Caritas, were married for thirty years, serving side by side in different ministries on mission for God the entirety of their marriage. Over the past twenty-five years Susan has served in a wide range of ministry and leadership roles, including the nonprofit sector and the local public schools. She previously served as a volunteer Bible Course leader for Christian Union, helping to launch the very first women’s Bible Course at Stanford. She looks forward to being back on campus, spending time with students.

A graduate of Biola University, Susan enjoys travel, gardening, reading, baking and spending time with her three children and friends. 


September 15, 2012

cu caritas stanford
Since 2016 CU Caritas has worked to bring spiritual transformation and renewal to campus by seeking the Lord, growing in knowledge and love of His Word, and thoughtfully engaging Stanford with the gospel.

The high-caliber ministry faculty at CU Caritas teach intellectually rigorous Bible courses, disciple students one-on-one, and coach students to develop as Christian leaders.

CU Caritas also offers conferences and retreats each semester and a weekly leadership lecture series called Venture, which features great worship, talks from compelling speakers, and space for students to grow together in fellowship.


Visit the CU Caritas student site here >