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Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
October 22, 2024
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from New Haven!

In this monthly email update, I'd love to share with you a recent article with a video about how God is moving at Christian Union Lux to give you encouragement and inspiration that your support is changing lives at Yale!

September 23, 2024
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from New Haven!

This month, Christian Union Lux students and leaders are working around the clock to welcome freshmen to our campus and to our ministry! We recently hosted a pre-retreat to plan all the events and details of this month-long campaign and to grow in the Lord!

May 9, 2024
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

It has been a busy semester for Christian Union Lux at Yale! God is so good!

I'd like to share some testimonies from our students about how the semester is wrapping up. Here’s feedback from one of Christian Union's senior ladies about our recent ‘prefrosh welcoming campaign’ during Bulldog Days: "Bulldog Days was such a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness to His children in such a special time at college. As a senior, I was already inspired by the current freshmen who came together to put on Bulldog Days for the pre-frosh. It was a beautiful reminder of the laborers God has brought to continue serving in CU. It’s a special joy to me as my peers and I graduate."

April 10, 2024
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Thank you for developing and connecting Christian leaders to transform culture at Yale for God's glory. We couldn't do it without you and your support!

We earnestly request your prayers for two of our upcoming large group events:

March 12, 2024
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We greet you with gratitude and joy as we reflect on the extraordinary journey we've embarked on over the last month. Our ministry has been a beacon of transformational leadership, deeply inspired by the principles shared in a recent article that beautifully outlines the impact of embodying such leadership in Christian Union Lux. This piece, featured on our website, delves into how authentic, Christ-centered leadership can profoundly affect both individuals and communities, advocating for a leadership style that is not only transformative but deeply rooted in Biblical truths and the example of Jesus Christ. Embodying Transformational Leadership | Christian Union

November 14, 2023
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We are reaching out to share the latest happenings at Christian Union Lux and to invite you to continue praying for these vibrant students ministering here at Yale.

October brought us so much joy, which we are excited to share with you. We started with record-breaking attendance for the fall retreat. We had roughly 57 in attendance, where Dimas Salaberios shared the need for total surrender to Christ while God is forming you here at Yale.

October 12, 2023
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

I trust this email finds you well and filled with the joy of the Lord.  As we step into the vibrant colors of October, thank you for your unwavering support, which continues to fuel the transformative work of our ministry.  Your intercession and collaborative spirit remain the bedrock of our life-changing work, and it is with great excitement that we share some recent milestones along with specific prayer requests for the upcoming month.

August 4, 2023
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from CU Lux at Yale! I pray this finds you well.

We are excited to share some great news this summer as we look ahead: preparation for Freshman Welcoming Campaign, and we are growing our team.

As we prepare for the start of another academic year, we are already reaching out to incoming freshmen and preparing for their arrival on campus. One significant effort of our outreach to incoming freshmen is connecting with them on Instagram and building that relationship with them before they step foot on campus. We currently have more in our community this year, at this time, than we did last year heading into the freshman campaign. This effort allows us to engage with freshmen wondering what type of Christian community is on campus and welcome them with open arms.

January 16, 2023
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from the campus of Yale!

Spring Semester is beginning and although you are not on campus with us, God has you in just the right place He needs you—in prayer for the work of the Kingdom at Yale. Please join us in prayer for four major events this semester: winter retreat, Bible courses, outreach, and campus-wide prayer.

October 31, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We have much to thank God for since we last wrote to you. Our family has grown!

When we hear our beloved freshmen say that the “CU Lux community feels like it is a home away from home,” our hearts are warmed.

What does home at CU Lux look like?

September 16, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Laboring hard at Yale has defined much of what has been happening since we last wrote to you.

We give thanks for our wonderful time at Pre-Retreat, which was held during the last weekend of August. From then on, our student leaders and freshmen gathering team have worked tirelessly to welcome the class of 2026!

August 12, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4)

July 8, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Thank you for your partnership by praying for the ministry of CU Lux throughout the summer months. The lives of our students continue to be enriched by our summer prayer meetings on Mondays and Fridays and our weekly intercampus prayer calls with students across different Ivy League universities. The student commitment to prayerful connection with God and each other is encouraging. An online prayer board was created to post prayer requests, intercede for others, and share answered prayers.

June 3, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Successful people brag. They produce their images of success and unleash their propaganda in ads, campaigns, and Instagram posts. That’s because success stories attract influencers, mobilize resources, generate opportunities, and raise the standard of living. Successful people mostly brag about wisdom, might, and wealth.

May 6, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Many blessings from Christian Union Lux at Yale University! Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to support us with your fervent prayers.

If you have been praying for Yale students this semester, know that God listens and answers. God has carried and sustained our students with his tremendous grace and goodness.

April 1, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Life is a dialogue beyond ourselves, not a monologue in which we create our own story (Psalm 135:15-18). We are co-creators with an eternal Creator, and our well-being depends upon the participation of fellow human beings. To make a contribution and lead the conversation, we first analyze what has been said and how our voices, flowing from the ever-evolving dialogue with God and others, will be heard in the grand scheme of things. We listen and learn with humility and faith before we make our voices heard. That’s how we reach beyond ourselves toward a larger purpose. That’s how we know to live well and make human flourishing possible.

March 4, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Love never fails and never ends. Unlike the physical and temporal things, love has no expiration date. Even spiritual gifts will pass away because they are temporary provisions of God’s grace. But love never, ever loses its relevance. It remains no matter what. Love is and will always be an attribute of God’s eternal character. It won’t go away, but it can lose its power over us.

February 4, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Loneliness at Yale is an enemy of wellbeing, even for those who enjoy solitude. In a recent Yale Daily News article, Sharla Moody, a senior in Berkeley College and one of our talented leaders, narrates how loneliness clouded her student experience at the college of her dreams. That’s because even at Yale, nothing is more valuable than satisfying the human longing for loving and life-giving relationships. We are all made to experience and enjoy fellowship with God and each other.

January 7, 2022
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Who is God? A three-word question seeking an answer at Yale. God is more wonderful than our words can express. He is always better than we can imagine, infinitely more than we can grasp. His majesty and glory are greater than our imagination. But God becomes Emmanuel: God with us, God with the world, God with Yale. To relate to us and for us to relate to him, he makes himself known in conversation. The conversation reaches a climax when the Word becomes flesh (John 1), and we at CU Lux have seen his glory.

December 3, 2021
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Why should a Yale student read the Bible? As someone who teaches the Bible in both university and church contexts, I am intrigued that people read the Bible for various reasons. Some are fascinated by its ethical imperatives, spiritual claims, literary achievement, or influence on Western culture. Whatever the reason, the Bible is being read, and that’s a good thing. But when is doing something good ever good enough?