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February 27, 2020

Dear Prayer Partners,

As always, we give thanks to God for your ongoing support. As I write this, we are looking forward to an outreach event this afternoon: a screening of the film Emanuel and conversation with producer Dimas Salaberrios, a long-time friend of Christian Union. While the event will already have taken place by the time you are reading this, please pray that the conversation would continue and that hearts would continue to be stirred and drawn to the Lord by the film's powerful witness to the Spirit of forgiveness.

December 19, 2019

Dear Prayer Partners,

I deeply appreciate you and all the prayers that you have offered to the Lord on our behalf in 2019!

As you may know, every Christian Union Bible Course on every campus studied Colossians this fall. The theme of Thanksgiving resounds throughout Paul’s letter. As this holiday season can easily be filled with unchecked expectations and the strangest of insecurities, I encourage all of you who know and love God to enter into the Christmas season “already full”. Full of joy with the good news that God has lifted the crushing burden of sin off our shoulders. Full of the abundant life Christ has given us in exchange. Full of many good moments with family, friends, and members of Christ’s body. Fully assured in all the will of God — that he is working out holiness in you and bringing to more maturity in Him.

November 21, 2019

Dear Prayer Partners,

I hope this update finds you well! Thank you for praying for our requests last month — God has been answering student’s requests on the prayer board, our alumni panel was a big hit, and students have been taking next steps of faith since the fall retreat, particularly in the areas of seeking God.

October 31, 2019

“… if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard …” Colossians 1:23

Dear Prayer Partners,

Praise be to Christ Jesus, the only sure foundation upon which we stand here at Yale! This semester, we're seeing in Colossians how the only way to continue in the Christian life is the same way that we began in the Christian life—by grace, through faith!

September 26, 2019

Good afternoon prayer partners,

We are nearing the end of our 4-week freshmen outreach, and we have welcomed with great joy a new crop of young men and women who want to know, love and pursue God here.

This last month has been a season of testing and trial; a mixture of pangs of discouragement combined with moments of joy and delight. Looking back, we are thankful for each of the new students God has brought into the ministry and for each gospel exposure, touch of kindness, and warm welcome we’ve been able to extend to the class of 2023. It’s not lost on me that our strength for this task came daily through the ministry of prayer.

As the pressure of the semester begins to increase, I ask that you’d pray for protection over our community from any of Satan’s classic schemes of gossip, disunity, or grumbling. Rather, pray that we would “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion hearts, kindness, humility, meekness and patience” - Colossians 3:12

I also ask that you pray for God to move and be glorified in our midst during our Fall Retreat at the Incarnation Center, 11-13 October. There’s an appropriately-high expectation amongst our students that God is on the move and desiring to give us more of himself.

Thank you for your prayers. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all!



Clay Cromer
Ministry Director
Christian Union Lux

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Yale, please email prayer@christianunion.org.
August 29, 2019

Greetings from Yale!

As I drove through town yesterday, there was a distinct increase in activity as students are moving back into their dorms and preparing to start classes next week. Our own ministry team and students are in the middle of Pre-retreat, where they are preparing their hearts and minds to welcome the incoming Frosh class with the love of Christ and invite them into our community. Please pray for their time together as they seek the Lord and plan events and strategies to welcome a new class of students.

Pray that the Spirit would grip them to love God whole-heartedly and to walk with bold faith. As they return to campus, a fast-paced season awaits. Along with tackling another semester at Yale, they’ll be navigating a robust line-up of events and following up with students they meet. Pray they would be fruitful as they intentionally seek out other students to offer friendship and the good news of the Kingdom.

Pray for our ministry team as they set up new Bible Courses and begin mentoring relationships with students, that the Lord would sustain them and they would be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading as they navigate conversations with new people.

Pray for the students of Yale at large - that in this season of transition and change, the Spirit would be at work in their hearts to ready them for an encounter with the Lord Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers on our behalf and for the students of Yale!


Callie Cromer
Administrative Assistant
Christian Union Lux

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Yale, please email prayer@christianunion.org.
January 31, 2019

Dear Prayer Partners,

Blessings to you in the name of Jesus! Thanks for praying for us regularly.  I’ll maintain that our primary strategy in ministry here is what Paul spells out as the “communications equipment” of God’s armor, saying in Ephesians 1:18 “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints”.

December 20, 2018
We come again to the end of a semester. As I write this, a few students have finished all their work and are packing to go home, while others are still gearing up for the push through final exams, papers, and projects. Please pray that our students receive grace, not only to finish well, but that they would turn to their heavenly Father in times of pressure. Truly, He carries us through when our strength and wisdom fail; and by trusting in Him, our hearts find rest even where others are crippled with anxiety. As the psalmist says: “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8, ESV).

Pray that our students rest well over the break: that they sleep well, spend quality time with family and friends, exercise their bodies and have fun—those things we all know to do, and which can be difficult to keep in the balance with busy lives, especially for young and ambitious students—and that they will seek God’s face diligently. It’s all too easy, when the structure of a regular routine is interrupted for a few weeks, to lose the momentum of positive habits that we’ve built up. Pray that our students will use the break not to sit around aimlessly, but to increase the time and energy they devote to prayer and reading the Scriptures.

And let us all—students, Christian Union faculty, and you, our partners in prayer—give thanks for the abundance of good work God has done in our midst this semester. “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies…” (Ps 119:2). We’ve seen a deepening of fellowship and unity in our community; we’ve welcomed in a wonderfully eager and engaged freshman class, who continue to bring in new friends even at semester’s end; and we’ve seen movement along every stage of the discipleship spectrum, from the un-churched exploring and discovering the gospel for the first time to established believers deepening their faith and growing in knowledge and love. God has been good, as He is and always will be, and He is worthy of our thanks and praise.

To you also, whose prayers are precious to God and a help to us, my co-workers and I extend our sincere gratitude. May the Lord bless you and keep you in Christ Jesus, until he comes again in glory to reign forever and ever.

Michael Racine
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Yale

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Yale, please email prayer@christianunion.org.
November 21, 2018
Thank you all for your continuing prayers in support of God’s work through Christian Union at Yale. The Lord is indeed moving here in beautiful ways. We celebrated as one of our freshmen, who made a faith commitment in high school, passed through the waters of baptism this past Sunday. Another student came to faith after a spiritual encounter two weeks ago. Still others are actively exploring, drawing near, and on the verge of giving their lives to Jesus. We’ve even had non-Christians bringing their friends to our Friday dinner and Leadership Lecture Series.

October 25, 2018
Dear Friends,

Thank you for continuing to remember us in prayer before the Lord Jesus Christ! I’m pleased to share that Fall Retreat (Oct 12-14) was the encouraging, faith-building experience that we had hoped it would be! We brought 28 students to the Incarnation Center to reconnect with God and with one another, and evangelist Chris White (Yale ’87) taught richly from God’s Word and his own life. Saturday night was particularly powerful as the Holy Spirit flooded the room during our time of worship, and God’s Spirit helped staff and students pray over and minister to one another. I had a strong impression right before the retreat that the young men and women in our ministry would begin to live more like “brothers and sisters” in Christ as a result of the weekend. Progress towards that end was evident in group times, play times, meal times, and we all agreed that God had graced us with much deeper sense of “openness” as guards had come down in response to His work in hearts.

September 27, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

We’re in the 4th full week of the semester — classes are in full swing, fall weather is here, and the students are feeling quite harried with all the demands on them!  Thank you for each of your remembrances and prayers for us and the ministry here at Yale and thank you for lifting up our students.  Someday we’ll all have a better view into how much Christ has truly been holding all things together!

August 30, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

As I write this update, Clay and the Yale team are in the midst of their pre-retreat with student leaders!  Before classes start, the student leaders and the CU staff come together to reconnect with each other, the Lord, and the mission to reach Yale's campus with the gospel of Christ Jesus.  In particular, they'll be strategically focusing on hospitality and outreach to the first-year students.  Join me in praying that this time would be fruitful in terms of their relationships with each other, the Lord, and in stirring up these leaders to boldly proclaim the Lord and minister to their classmates.

July 26, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

We are so grateful for your prayers always. This past Sunday, I was reminded of a profound truth in Hebrews 7:25 — “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Jesus Christ, who is alive at the Father’s right hand is himself praying for us. He maintains a fervent and faithful prayer watch, talking to the Almighty Father on our behalf who is able to do anything. Thank you for the prayers you lift up to the living Savior concerning us, our students, and our campus.

June 14, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

As the last month came to a close, we bid farewell (and happy birthday) to Jason Entgelmeier, who after serving as the student president of Christian Union at Yale, graduated in 2017 and then worked with us as a Ministry Intern this past year. All of us on the team here love Jason dearly, and we invite you to join us in thanking God for the manifold ways He has poured into Jason and continues to form him as a Christ-like, gifted young man, and also for the exemplary work Jason has done here on campus while walking with God's Spirit. Please join us also in praying for Jason as he discerns his next steps while working back home in Kansas over the summer.

May 24, 2018

Summer has finally arrived in all its verdant glory here in New Haven, and with it has come the time for us to say goodbye to our seniors and 'see you soon' to our underclassmen as they head off for the summer.

April 30, 2018

New Haven, CT

Yale with borderClick here, to read our yearly financial update for Christian Union at Yale University.

The Lord is moving at Yale. With your help, we believe God will do much more. The ministry needs to raise $153,431 for its ministry at Yale by June 30. Your gift, of any amount, will help to make Christ known at this wonderful university. Please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner today.

If you have already made a gift, thank you! Would you consider a special, additional gift to help the ministry reach more students with the Gospel?

Make a Difference

1) Click here to give online
2) Charge by phone or give appreciated assets: 609-688-1700 X915
3) Pray to see God glorified at Yale
4) Join our prayer email list by emailing: prayer@christianunion.org
April 26, 2018
Dear Prayer Partners,

The spring semester at Yale always seems to fly by, and here we find ourselves again entering the final week of classes. As our Bible courses wrap up, yet even before we send off our graduating seniors, pray for their transition to the next stage of their lives as we rejoice at what God is doing in our midst now.

First off, we thank God for raising up bright new student leaders to carry our ministry forward this next year and beyond. We prayed last spring that God would send us leaders in the incoming class, and He has delivered in a big way. With a current sophomore and two first-years leading our new executive team, and several first-year students stepping into other key leadership positions, we are a young ministry moving forward. We are excited to see what God will do through these young men and women who have already demonstrated not only bold faith, creativity and an eagerness to serve, but also teachability and a real hunger to know God and make Him known together. Please pray for these student leaders, up and running in their new positions as of a few weeks ago, that God will continue to guide, embolden and strengthen them—that they will continue to draw near to God, and He to them.

February 22, 2018
Thank you for your continued prayers for us at Yale.  The prayers of a righteous person work powerfully (James 5:16), and we are grateful to be carried by your prayers on a regular basis!

January 25, 2018
Happy 2018 & thank you for your continued prayers for us! We are grateful for your steadfast support in prayer, and I want to thank you for praying for our staff team and our students over Christmas break.

December 21, 2017
Grace and Peace to you from God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we are a week out from Christmas! Our students have been writing Advent Devotions on Facebook for the last few weeks with various challenges to seek God, practice thankfulness, and otherwise prepare ourselves for the King. I hope that you have been (or will be) able to prepare as well, but the amazing fact still remains that Jesus Christ has come to us, even when we weren't ready. His grace meets us right where we are—dead in our sins—and through his death and resurrection, we are “made alive together with Christ” (Ephesians 2:5). These are truly tidings of comfort and joy!