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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 3, 2021
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We are blessed by the opportunity to update you on our ministry at Yale. Through God’s extraordinary grace, we concluded this academic year with a senior banquet, a celebratory event honoring the work of God in the lives of our graduates. We sent them into the world with gifts: a Yale mug, a book on Christian discipleship, congratulatory cards signed by beloved peers, and the charge to shine like stars in the universe by holding fast to the word of truth (Philippians 2:14-16). Our new mentorship program, which connects graduates with CU alumni and Christian professionals, will provide vocational support and keep graduates centered on Jesus, our bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16).

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Libertas at Brown University! We are so very grateful for your many prayers and financial support that make this ministry possible. As is the case every spring, time flies by quickly. Just this past weekend, we had the privilege of celebrating our graduating seniors as Brown hosted commencement ceremonies. We’re very thankful to have shared life with these wonderful young women and men over the last four years. They’ve worked so hard during their time here on campus and have resiliently faced the challenges and difficulties presented by Covid. I’m sure none of them even imagined their senior year would look like this, but despite it all, they’ve remained encouraging and loving toward their peers, and a pleasure for us to serve as ministry faculty.

May 6, 2021

Dear CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia! We praise God for partners like you in supporting the work He is doing through this ministry.

The Spring 2021 semester is officially over along with final exams. The last week of April was graduation and it was a beautiful sight to see seniors in the graduation gowns walking all around campus and Morningside Heights. Of course, graduation was not held normally this year, but I was encouraged to see our students make the most of this important moment.

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are incredibly encouraged by what God is doing at Cornell and we thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. There is an unprecedented amount of fellowship and activity at the Mott Center. Students are praying together, studying together, sharing meals together, and spending time in God’s Word. There is a heart to seek the Lord that we are witnessing both within our group and across the campus.

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are at the halfway point of the spring term and like it always does, time is moving fast. It’s hard to think that graduation is next month and that the special senior class we have will be departing. Campus life and ministry are full and busy and there is much to praise God for. The new student executive team is in place, the students are engaged in several prayer and Bible reading initiatives, new people are joining Bible courses, and there is a real sense of joy and community on display this term. God has provided abundantly during this unique and challenging academic year. Would you please thank God for His provision and kindness to CU Vox and also pray for these specific requests:

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” - Jude 3

Those words from Jude 3 are now a part of the commission given to the outgoing seniors in the Harvard class of 2021. Our hope and prayer for them is that they would “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” as they head into their various fields of work upon graduation. Please continue praying for the class of 2021 as they transition into a new season and step into what the Lord has next for them.

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Nova Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

The 2020-21 school year is nearing its end and your prayers have made a difference on the Princeton University campus!

Christian Union Nova is thriving because student leaders are working to fulfill the vision. Within each student executive, assistant Bible course leader (ABCL), and student leader, there has been sincere compassion towards one another and a commitment to ensure that the CU Nova community is present and viable. Through large group meetings (i.e., Encounter and TruThursday), Bible courses, weekly prayer meetings, and discipleship for incoming freshmen, active ministry took place during a very challenging time.

May 6, 2021
Hello CU Caritas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Warm greetings from Christian Union Caritas!

May 6, 2021
Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever” – Psalm 106.1

As the semester comes to a close, there are so many reasons to be thankful. Christian Union Martus has completed a seamless leadership transition and our new exec and ministry team leaders have started their tenure with energy and focus. From Scripture memorization, campus outreach, social activities, daily prayer, and a strong finish to Bible courses, the students have been incredibly resilient. God has shown Himself to be faithful again and again. We are taking tentative steps to have in-person meetings at Panera and various spots around campus. And our students are beginning to think about the fall term and how we can strategically reach incoming freshmen. As we approach graduation and the summer break, would you pray for:

May 6, 2021
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Signs surround us—whether it’s emojis in digital communication, traffic signs that help us navigate the roads, or business logos that mark brand identity. A sign is a visible representation of an idea, something standing for something other than itself. Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as signifying something. In John’s gospel, Jesus performs seven signs as visible symbols of God’s presence on earth. Each of the seven solicits a response: Do you believe that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s presence?

May 3, 2021

Christian Union Event on May 14, 2021

Thanks for joining Christian Union Martus (University of Pennsylvania) at 4:00 PM EST for a virtual reunion. Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event.  Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. 

April 21, 2021

CU Event Was Held Saturday June 5, 2021

Thank you for joining Christian Union Lumine (Columbia University) on June 5, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST for a virtual reunion! Christian Union Lumine invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event.

April 21, 2021

CU Event on June 6, 2021

Thank you for joining Christian Union Vox (Dartmouth) at 5:00 PM EST on June 6 for a virtual reunion. Christian Union Vox invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. We enjoyed connecting with other Christian alumni, visiting with current students, and meeting the Christian Union ministry faculty and staff.

April 19, 2021

May 21, 2021

We enjoyed connecting with you at Princeton's virtual reunion on May 21, 2021 at 12pm ET. Christian Union Nova invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. We enjoyed a time of connection and fellowship.

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Libertas! Thank you for continuing to pray for our students and our staff. Our students are in the midst of a very busy season, the home stretch before final exams begin. The weather has changed: the days are longer, the sun seems to shine brighter, and the temperatures are warmer. Students are using their breaks to hang out in the quad in socially distanced circles, of course! They continue to make use of the Judson Center for study, prayer, and personal discipleship meetings and we continue to meet on Zoom for Bible courses. Please pray:

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia! We praise God for partners like you in supporting the work He is doing through this ministry. As I am writing this, the seasons have changed here in the Big Apple: it is 60 degrees and winter is officially behind us. The students are out connecting with their peers in person, hanging out on the steps of Low, and finding themselves exploring the city again!

The spring semester classes will be coming to an end around April 15th and finals will begin shortly after. Pray for the students as they come to the end of their semester and start mapping out their internships and summer plans.

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you for continuing to pray for our students and staff. We are grateful for your partnership in the gospel at Cornell. A resurgence of Covid infections on campus caused us to take precautions over the past two weeks and hold all of our meetings virtually, but thankfully we expect to be back to normal with live Bible courses, prayer meetings, and leadership meetings next week. Our students are in the midst of a busy prelim exam season, but they are continuing to gather for Bible study, prayer, fellowship at the Mott Center, and student-to-student discipleship. We are thankful for the many new students that have joined the ministry this year! Please continue to pray:

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

As I write this letter, it is spring break here in Hanover. There’s no beach and it certainly isn’t warm, but students (and myself) are enjoying some much-needed rest and refreshment. This spring break marks one year of living during a global pandemic. Campus life and our lives have changed significantly, but what has not changed is our God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are clinging to that truth here at Dartmouth as well as celebrating the ways God has continued to pour out His blessings and grace on us. As we enter spring term would you pray for:

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” -Acts 13:2-3

This spring’s study of Acts has been an encouragement to all the juniors and sophomores who have been participating in it to seek God more wholeheartedly and seek to hear the voice of the Spirit as they boldly proclaim His name. Thank you also for your prayers that the freshmen who are studying the Seeking-God Lifestyle as well as the Sex and Spirituality curriculum. Continue to pray that they would be transformed by the content and experience spiritual growth through it. We believe those Bible courses have been impactful in the lives of the freshmen already.

April 1, 2021
Dear CU Nova Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Grace to you and peace from Christian Union Nova!

The weather in Princeton is beautiful and campus life is abuzz with activity! Being mindful of precautions, students are enjoying the sunshine as spring fever is in the air! Not only is the Melrose Center fast becoming a revolving door with students arriving to pray, to study, and practice vocally for worship, but students who normally joined the zoom calls for Bible course in isolation, have been found, in recent weeks, joining the study of Acts from outdoors under bright blue skies and on blankets along with others! It’s so refreshing.